martin morawetz wrote:


I'm trying to install a stage1 gentoo linux from a livecd.

Problem No1:
Kernel-Panic while booting from the cd. The last line is: ''Starting USB
and PCI hotplugging...'
The next time I booted with the parameters: 'gentoo nohotplug'
That worked, but I got the message 'No network device autodetected'.

Two network-devices are available. A SiS 900 and a 3Com (3c905c-TX) card.
I searched for the drivers as described in the gentoo-installation instruction, but
loading them leads to the same result -> kernel panic.
'modprobe sis900'
'modprobe 3c59x'

('modprobe ieee1394' for the firewire worked fine)

Not knowing how to resolve the problem I continued without
having the network configured..
I untared stage1, the portage-snapshot and the source-code from the livecd, did
everything necessary as described in the documentation handbook, but when it
comes to the bootstrap-part problem No 2 arises.

Which kernel sources did you choose? I also got a kernel panic booting from the gentoo-sources kernel (2.4.22). I switched to a "vanilla" 2.4.24 instead, and it works fine. I never had a boot-up kernel panic with a vanilla kernel, there must be something wrong with the patched version.

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