On Thursday 05 February 2004 8:19 pm, Jared Thirsk wrote:
> On February 4, 2004 07:37, LJN wrote:
> > anyone had trouble with this or does the ebuild work as it should?
> I'm having problems with the main client area (left and right and
> bottom docks, as well as the mdi area) being displayed as a separate
> top-level window.
> I'm mostly running kde-3.2 (kde-edu 3.2 fails to build),  qt 3.2.3-r1
> (not sure about the whole qt vs kde situation...currently trying an
> upgrade to qt 3.3), and I haven't merged kdmrc for 3.2 with the one
> from 3.2_rc1, so I've still got some things to try.
> Based on recommendations from others, I'm considering fully switching
> to ~x86, instead of mixing it up like I am now, for things like kde
> 3.2, eclipse 2.1 (which I don't regularly use but has been ~x86 for
> what seems like an eternity), blender 2.32, and all the other new
> stuff I can't resist.
> Jared

I've been running two ~xf86 systems for 6 months, always trying the latest 2.6 
kernel, and keeping  system and world up to date. I've only run into one ps/2 
mouse problem with an earlier 2.6.1 mm kernel, and an ocassional compiling 
problem on packages, due to problematic ebuilds. As examples, the recent 
module-init-tools (>pre5) and grub problems were easily corrected by going 
back to a previous version, and the kernel problem was solved with newer 
versions. If you know a little, and can search the forum, these types of 
things are really pretty minor, and only happen rarely. IMO, with a little 
common sense, basic Linux skills, and knowing how to mask/unmask packages, 
running ~xf86 systems should present no unsurmountable problem  for most 
Gentoo users. Mine have been few and far between.

Robert Crawford

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