Le 02/07/04 riki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit notamment:

> Oh, I've got a followup question.
> If I'm logged in as a regular user, I open up a terminal, su to root,
> then try to launch emacs. I get the following error:
> Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
> Xlib: No protocol specified.


as regular user type "xhost +" before trying to open emacs as root, or
open emacs in the terminal with "emacs -nw"
Jean Magnan de Bornier
3 Cours Victor Hugo, 13980 Alleins   France
Tel: 04 90 59 33 94    Port: 06 09 17 35 87
mèl: jm.bornier*at*free.fr

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