Tom Caudron wrote:

I've emerged Postfix 2.0.16-r1, Mailman 2.1.4, and Fetchmail 6.2.3 on
the same server.

I've set up Postfix with "inet_interfaces = localhost" so that it should
be listening on  Checking with netstat, I see that it does
seem to be listening:

# netstat -nlp |grep 25 |grep tcp
tcp    0    0*     LISTEN     1274/master

I've set up Mailman with 2 lists (mailman and test) and I've added 1
member to test.  I added my own address to see if I'd get a confirmation
message telling me I'd been added (which would help me confirm that
mailman is able to tell postfix to send messages out.  This is my first
issue.  I added my address, never got an error, but also never got

I have not yet set up Fetchmail, as I figured that would be the last
step.  For now, I just want to be able to add and remove members from
the test list.

When I added myself to the test list, I looked in /var/log/mail/current
and I saw this:

Feb 7 11:33:27 [postfix/smtp] 6C30418B04: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,[], delay=0, status=bounced (host[] said: 550 rejected: unknown local-part in sender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (in reply to MAIL FROM command))

I have no idea why it says it's bouncing a message sent to
doesn't exist.  Does this mean I'll need to set up a <listname>-bounces
account for each list I create?  To be clear, in the above log entry, is the remote mx host for my domain.

Anyone have an idea as to how I could proceed from here?  I can send any
relevant logs/output/whatever needed to help clarify things if asked, I
just wasn't sure what output was relevant.  My experience with mail
servers is limited (which I'm sure is obvious by this message).

-Tom Caudron

Try puting in mynetworks.

Also, make sure you run 'newaliases', as the default installation doesn't (or didn't) used to run that.

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