James said, "for Box A to have mailmain utilize Box A's postfix, in the
main.cf file for postfix, you will need to enable relay ability for the
IP and"

Thanks for the help!  Just the push in the right direction I needed. 
For archives' sake, I'll cc the gentoo-user list with the answer to my

Pretty simple really.  Apparently postfix, by default, will only
delivery mail to local users (because the default setting of
local_recipient_maps says so).  I simply opened /etc/postfix/main.cf and
added the following line to the bottom:

local_recipient_maps = 

Yes, there is no setting after the equals sign.  Setting it to nothing
tells postfix not to try to map recipients to local users, and once it
stops doing that, I stop getting an error 550 everytime it tries to
relay a message.

Thanks for all the help!  I have another minor question regarding
Fetchmail and Mailman, but if I can't figure it out, I'll post to a
different thread so as to keep threads clean.

-Tom Caudron

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