Hmm.  I see others are saying it might be genkernel also - did you run it?  Something 
is strange as emerge -u world doesn't normally hose up files like this.

Anyway to fix it boot the live CD, then mount the parititon gentoo is on as 
/mnt/gentoo, cd to /mnt/gentoo/etc and edit fstab.  You can do this with any files you 
need to fix.

> From: Stephen Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2004/02/10 Tue PM 11:22:00 GMT
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Starting problem after 'emerge -u world'
> Hi
> >It looks like you ran etc-update and let it overwrite everything.  You need to fix 
> >fstab so it has your devices instead of /dev/ROOT, etc. and put the right type of 
> >file systems in.
> >
> >Do not delete the tmpfs line - it's used by Gentoo.
> >  
> >
> I have not run 'etc-upgrade'.  The problem happened after 'emerge -u 
> world'.  Some other folks on the list or forum also fell into the same 
> trap.
> Now my problem is that I could not start 'Fail Safe' anymore.  Neither I 
> am allowed to key in root-password to login as ROOT nor to login as 
> USER.  I can login just pressing 'ENTER' but on a read-only system.  I 
> am not allowed to edit /etc/fstab.  Any suggestion?

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