On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 12:19:35 -0700
Glenn English <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yesterday I did an emerge sync; emerge -u world and an etc-update, and
> after that, there's no sound after Gnome starts. The splash sound is
> there, then I hear a quite click and the volume icon in the panel has
> a red backslash through it (and nothing makes noise).
> I noticed that there were some new Gnome updates overnight, so I did
> them. But there's still no sound.
> Can somebody please give me a clue where to start looking? I suspect I
> did something wrong in the etc-update, but the Gnome prefs say sound
> is on.

Do you mean there are no system sounds?  Your subject is "my sound went away", but you 
say the "splash sound is there".  What exactly isn't working?  I noticed a ton of 
sound-related changes when I ran etc-update.

Barry Marler
Information Analyst II
Center for Applied Genetic Technologies
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 

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