Grendel wrote:
On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Collins Richey uttered the following immortal words,

On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 18:24:12 +0600 (LKT)
Grendel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

... DVD rips and encoding take long on 2.6 than 2.4 around 26 fps on
2.4 and ~ 16 fps on 2.6. It makes a large difference in time that
extra 8fps so when I want to rip a dvd I switch to kernel 2.4.

Yeah, but you have to rip a lot of DVDs to gain back the time you lose
in rebooting.

not really 25fps would mean 2 hours for a 2 hour video rip. 16 fps would mean around 3hours, so I save one hour by booting into 2.4.

No one is claiming that 2.6 is faster across the board,
but IBM has demonstrated that SMP performance is up by a factor of 5,
and lots of users have demonstrated that desktop responsiveness has
improved, so it's no big deal.

Actually do we have a good benchmarking suite for linux?
A good benchmark would consists of many aspects some I can think of would be,

1. time taken to encode a dvd movie to mpeg4 codec.
2. Time taken for lame to encode a mp3 file.
3. Run a 3d bechmark game and see the fps at startup. gears is not good what you need is something like quake 3 or neverwinter nights or ut 2003.
4. Kernel compile

This would be a good benchmark for a desktop user and we would be able to see how well kernel 2.4 and 2.6 fair.

Personally, I stopped running 2.4 6 months ago and haven't looked back.
I was even able to get alsa marginally working on my sound card, and it
didn't in 2.4.

What about OSS?


Damn.. I hate to include all of the above postings.. but it really needs to be there to provide on-going documentation.

Anyhow.. Like I had mentioned.. I have been using the following means to benchmark my systems. I have already a "known" baseline.. from running these programs so often in the past after I have setup a system, but here are the things I do to test a system once it is fully functional and completely setup.

1. Quake3 timedemo (start Quake 3, tweak the friggin thing out.. I.E. turn EVERYTHING on (32bit options set..etc..etc..).. set resolution up to 1024x768.. I mean the full monty of the Quake 3 graphics settings. Oh.. and please make sure you have the latest point release.

Then.. while in the "main" menu hit the "~" key (up there on the way upper left hand side of your keyboard) Once you get your console deal (the part that drops down from the top of the screen and lets you type)
type: time[TAB] < TAB to let it auto-complete for you.. (as I dont remember the "exact" way it is like if it is /timedemo or \timedemo.. but you will see it anyhow) Then make sure you have timedemo 1 and hit "Enter"

Then go to the main menu and click on "Demos" click on the one and only demo in there and it should take off.. REALLY REALLY FAST

.. Once that has completed it will drop you back out into the main menu again.. Then hit the "~" key again.. and it will drop down and in that box you will see your "fps" I average about 180fps on all of my machines, and once had a score of 255fps on this laptop..(but I dont remember what NVIDIA driver I was using atm!)


2. compile a kernel and "time" it.

cd /usr/src/linux
make menuconfig - xconfig .. whatever

( I usually always do my kernel while in X.. no biggie, but your compile time will be slightly slower)

save kernel..

Then in the cli. type: "time make dep bzImage" < for 2.4.X kernels.. (That is what I did anyhow)

once it is finished you will see your score of how long it took

With 2.6.X kernels.. once finished type: "time make" and go to town.

Now, you can also test the basic startup times of your software by using time also. I.E. in a xterm/Eterm.. type: "time mozilla" let it fully start, then close it off and check back in your terminal, there you will see your times. To make things easier, copy/paste that info to a txt file and compare it with other kernels. (basically what I failed to I dont actually have times for program run-times between kernels atm).. But.. I usually just use Quake3 timedemo, kernel compile times.. hdparm and glxgears to base test my new systems.

There is also a handy little program called "genlop" after you have finished installing say xfree, you can type: "genlop -t xfree" which will give you the time it took on your gentoo box to setup and install xfree. I get this with xfree-

merge time: 1 hour, 34 minutes and 9 seconds.

/\ that is actually pretty slow compared with other systems. That is also with kernel 2.6.3-rc2

Hope this helps!

Thank you


TriKster Abacus #cllug #gentoo #linuxfriends #linux

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