040226 Alejandro Escalante Medina wrote:
> First of all, let me congratulate the developers
> of what seems to be the most exciting linux distribution nowdays.

yes, it is & let's all of us repeat our thanx to the volunteer developers.

> I'm a Linux user from long time ago,
> when I started with Yggdrasil and Slackware
> and kernel hadn't even reached version 1.

well, you shdn't have any problems w Gentoo (grin).

> I am a knowledgeable linux user, but I don't have too much spare time
> to fiddle with a distribution that's too harsh on the user.

Gentoo is not harsh on the user -- it's v elegantly organised --
& once you've got it installed sensibly, you don't need to fiddle w it.

> Gentoo's configurability, abundance of packages
> and the possibility of staying v upto date seems v attractive to me.

yes, all that & it really is a meta-distro,
so you install what you want & keep it as upto-date or not as you want.

> Maybe Gentoo is a nice distro to try kernel 2.6 ;)


the one thing you need to do carefully is installing Gentoo:
it's not difficult, but you need to read the dox (they're v good)
& pay attention to each step as you do it; allow a free weekend.

then make sure you read the other dox & esp how Portage works.
after that, you shd have few problems
& there's lots of friendly advice both here & via the huge forum site.

of course, it helps to have a reasonably upto-date machine & broadband.

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