On Thu, 26 Feb 2004, Matthias F. Brandstetter uttered the following...

> ---------- quoting Grendel ----------
> > It actually is superior, My IQ ranks at 165, and I am a life member of
> > mensa.
> Wow Grendel, you're my man ... you must be the most intelligent guy I've 
> ever wrote to!

Not really there are far more greater individuals. Linus Pauling and bobby
fisher had ~ 175, and you see the IQ scale is such that there is a immense
difference between say 165 and 175. Ie a 175 person is a really a genius.

Really I was disappointed when my IQ was confirmed as 165 as I was
expecting far more.
> What I can't understand: How could it be that a guy with an IQ of only 132 
> (shame on me) like me was able to fill a bug report at first try (bug got 
> fixed 2 days later), but such a genius like you wasn't able to do that?
> Strange things happening here...
There were several reasons,
1. I clicked on the "New" Link which is actually "New-Expert", and not 
"New-guided" which is listed in the bottom of the screen were o one who is 
submitting his first bug report would look.

2. Time was of the essense, I was short of time and the new-expert was so 
complicated to figureout, for a first time submitter of bugzilla.

3. It was a simple problem where the latest qt (3.2 IIRC) was trying to 
link with the earlier version of qt(3.1), while compiling. So what I did 
was to rm the qt 3.1 libs and recompile the latest qt and it compiled 
perfectly as the old qt library was nto there to link to. So although I 
did not submit the bug report I figured out how to do it.


Grendels annoyance filter is so advanced it puts people to the killfile 
even before they have posted. 

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