On Friday 07 January 2005 04:39, Ow Mun Heng wrote:
> how does one count the # of packages supported by the current
> portage?
> ls -laR | wc -l definately does not work
> eupdatedb would work, since it counts down to 0.
> There's got to be another way.

esync, that uses eupdatedb shows:

macula root # esync
 * Importing old portage tree
 * Doing '/usr/bin/emerge sync' now

 * Doing 'eupdatedb' now

 * indexing: 0 ebuilds to go   
 * esearch-index generated in 9 minute(s) and 47 second(s)
 * indexed 8331 ebuilds
 * size of esearch-index: 1345 kB

That's 8331, today morning.


Linux Version 2.6.10, Compiled #2 Mon Dec 27 06:35:03 CET 2004
One 1.53GHz AMD Athlon XP Processor, 1.5GB RAM, 3022.84 Bogomips Total

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