Hi All-

Just finished upgrading to Evolution 2, and I'm having a lot of trouble
syncing up my PalmOS device...

It all started just after running Evolution 2 for the first time, when I
tried to sync. It appeared to sync fine, went through the motions, but
did not actually update the contacts/to-do/calendar in Evo or on the
palm with new entries created on the opposite side.

So, I backed up the palm and tgz'd the ~/MyPilot and ~/.evolution
directories. I then tried a variety of different things to get things
syncing. The only thing that seemed to make a difference was going
to /usr/share/gnome-pilot/conduits and moving the non-2.0 conduits
to /usr/share/gnome-pilot/oldconduits

After this, it appeared to use the new 2.0 conduits, and attempt to sync
the data into Evo 2. But I ended up with duplicate records. D'oh!

Running pilot-dedupe got rid of some duplicates, but I still had at
least 2 copies of every entry in the contacts, calendar and to-do

At this point, I opted to start over, so I attempted to restore from my

`rm ~/.evolution -fr`
`rm ~/MyPilot -fr`
Hard reset Palm
Untar ~/MyPilot backup
Untar ~/.evolution backup
Use pilot-xfer to restore pilot from ~/MyPilot/*

But now, when I try to sync up the palm, I get CORBA errors. Same errors
when I try to use gpilotd-control-applet to get/send the ID to the

Figured next I'd try removing ~/.evolution once again and doing a
straight Copy-From-Pilot to restore my contacts and calendar, since
they're OK on the pilot after the pilot-xfer restore. But still can't
get the pilot to sync with gpilotd.

Tried unmerging and re-emerging evolution, gnome-pilot and
gnome-pilot-conduits. No change.

Am currently at wit's end... Has anybody got any ideas?


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