On Sun, 9 Jan 2005 10:09:38 +0100, Francesco Talamona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sunday 09 January 2005 07:40, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> > Having carefully backed up my whole root partition, I just embarked
> > on the huge emerge that had built up in just the few days around the
> > new years.  I was worried about Xorg, of course -- it was going to be
> > a major pain if that didn't work.  In the event, everything seems
> > fine, but there were some oddities, in my opinion.  It also seemed to
> > replace much of KDE and a bunch of other things too.  38 steps.
> >
> > The oddities:
> >
> > For one thing, emerge first emerged xorg 6.8.0-r3, then downgraded it
> > to xorg 6.7.0-r3, all in the same batch.  Anyone know why it does
> > this? I'm running on 6.70 right now, with no noticeable difference
> > from the earlier XFree, so I'm not complaining.  It just seems weird.
> >  Also very time-consuming.
> If you sync your system once in a quarter you can expect strange
> behavior ;-)
> Seriously: it can depend on the fact that the upgrade/update touched
> portage and/or profiles.

This is not called for.  I held off sync for about 2 weeks.  Later you talk
about planning large emerges for when you can deal with them.  Make
up your mind.

> > For another, when it was done, and quite aside from the automatic
> > trivial config merges, there were 291 config file changes that
> > etc-update wanted me to scrutinize.  I don't have the attention span
> > for that, so I looked at the 9 that I most nearly know what they do.
> > The rest I just told it to automerge, and I'm hoping for the best.
> > Is it really necessary to have 300 config files changed in a given
> > update?  There just seems to be something unfriendly about that.
> >
> > ++ kevin
> I put a "signature" as comment in every /etc/ file I edit, so it is
> easier to sort out which config files deserve _more_ attention.

I've been doing this for years, long before I ever heard of Gentoo.

> IMHO, anyway you should better
> - sync your system more often
> or
> - plan big builds when you have time to look them after.

Again, is 2 weeks often enough for you?  If not, your second option
doesn't make much sense.

> Again IMHO ten minutes saved in a blind etc-update with a -3 or -5
> switch don't worth hours trying to solve "strange issues", and
> potentially rock solid system crawling...

Tell me how you examine 300 unfamiliar diffs in ten minutes. 
Ten hours should do it, but I'd have a hard time staying focused.
No noticeable problems so far.  I think all the -5's related to
config files I have never touched, since there are precious few that
I ever do.  Printing, networking, fstab, ssh, security programs,
and X86Config;  not much else.

> Dispatch-conf may be better suited to your likings, tough...

Why?  I'm not complaining about etc-update, or at least not aware of it
if I am.

++ kevin

> Ciao
>  Francesco

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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