HK wrote:
n_powell wrote:

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 10:36:15PM +0100 thus spake HK:


How can I cleanly exit the wm (xfce4) and poweroff/reboot machine?

I would like to cleanly exit the wm and then proceed with service stop and poweroff/reboot... Right now I'm just running poweroff as root from the X session and it is not what I would like...

Personally I start X using xdm, which is configured to run gdm. To shut down the machine from being logged into xfce4, I just exit from the WM using the button mentioned previously, which then drops me out to gdm, which has its own clickable options for shutting down the machine as a whole. Simple, elegnat and it works now.



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