On Thu, January 20, 2005 12:52 am, Nick Smith said:
> my ISP just started blocking smtp from any domain not theirs, as per a
> supervisor @ comcast they are blocking all mail sent from their clients
> that are running a mail server and their outgoing email address is not a
> comcast.net address, they say this keeps the spam down. ha. as you can see
> they haven't shut me down as of yet, but they did shut down one of my
> clients a legit non-profit organization, we are having to look into
> alternate methods to get their email out asap.  my question is, is there
> any way around this? i don't think just changing the ports could work. the
> way we had it set up before was that the smtp address was just relaying
> through smtp.comcast.net, that is what they are blocking, they can receive
> mail fine but anything they send is blocked and it doesn't come back to
> them either as not recieved. am i just screwed and stuck with another
> "feature" of comcast? i swear if there was ANYTHING else as
> fast around here for the same price i would switch, they keep getting worse
> and worse.
> any info would be appreciated thanks.
> nick
Earlier I used RCN with dynamic IP and they allow to send mail through
their smtp if I authenticate using my rcn.com email address regardless of
what my From field says. Will this  work for comcast? If so, probably you
can setup your mail server to authenticate with comcast server prior to

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