> Yes, it does but!!!
> It downloads 433,809 bytes but when I view the file it contains zero bytes.
> I deleted the original file and the new one reappears but zero bytes.

...which isn't surprising, since you're only redirecting the output of
wget to your file, and not saving the image properly when you run

    wget -q
http://www.wizabit.eclipse.co.uk/xplanet/files/local/clouds_2000.jpg >

As Chris pointed out (albeit indirectly), you should be using this instead:

    wget -q -O /usr/share/xplanet/images/clouds_2000.jpg

(the "-O <filename>" option specifies the where to save the file you
downloaded... while using the ">" pipe will simply redirect the output
of wget to the file you've specified... which probably _isn't_ what
you want...)

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