Le jeudi 13 janvier 2005 à 17:09 +0100, Martoni a écrit :
> On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 18:21:22 -0500, Nicholas Pappas
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >         Hello all.
> > 

> I am sorry - but these threads almost get me into flame war mode. What
> you are saying is "I like Gentoo - but I don't like Gentoo". It makes
> no sense what so ever. One of the basic points with using Gentoo,
> IMHO, is that it *is* a source based distro. 

I think that's a common misconception about gentoo. If you read the
"Philosophy of Gentoo", at
http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/philosophy.xml , you can read

        We have become known as a "from source" distribution, but the
        heart of the Gentoo concept is not "from source." "From source"
        is an important and key aspect of Gentoo, and something that was
        and will continue to be necessary for Gentoo, but it is not the
        only issue or most fundamental issue. The most fundamental issue
        is designing a technology that allows us and others to do what
        they want to do, without restriction.

and, a little further down
        It's important that our tools support binary packages, because
        binary packages are widely used and widely in demand in the
        Linux community. If our tools don't support binary packages,
        then we can't claim that our tools are designed to allow a user
        to do anything he or she might want to do.
So Nicholas' demand semmes to be an official objective of the Gentoo
community, and he doesn't deserve to be flamed at all !

Frédéric Grosshans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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