On Sun, 23 Jan 2005, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. wrote:

> Okay, something is hogging port 21, using port 20. If someone will contact
> me off list (via email or contact info in sig), I'll give a temp ftp account
> to see how it works from outside my network. If you're friendly and helpful
> enough, I might even let you keep it for free for one year (e.g. you'll have
> it until this date 2006).

Sounds like you have other issues apart from proftpd. You really need to
test it internally using your local IP address from another local machine.

Once its working there, then you can tackle the bigger problem of getting
in from outside. Offhand, Id say your router/firewall doesn't understand
FTP and so is not letting the data connection through. If you configure
proftpd to use Passive ports, then you can tell your firewall to allow
those ports through unfiltered. Also, when testing from outside, you will
need to switch on passive FTP in the client you're using.

Having gone through playing with firewalls and proftpd myself, Ive had to
learn more about FTP then I ever wanted ;-)

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