On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 10:13:08AM +0100, Bastian Balthazar Bux wrote:
> Bill Davidson ha scritto:
> >On 17:26 Mon 24 Jan     , [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> >
> >>hi,
> >>
> >>Is there a way to slow down specific I/O operation, f.e. a copy of file 
> >>from one disk to another or from one partition to another.
> >>I dont bother if it takes a little bit longer, but dont want it to take 
> >>alot of i/o bantdwith of other
> >>processes running currently in the system
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >I think you want "nice" and "renice". They can give different priority 
> >levels
> >to certain processes. For example if your file copy and another process 
> >wanted
> >to do something at the same time, the other process would be given the 
> >chance
> >first.
> >
> >Bill
> > 
> >
> sadly they don't work with IO on disk, the cpu is too much faster than 
> IO operation.
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

emerge -av pv

but it's masked, so you have to add it to /etc/portage/packe.keywords..
(or just do it ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86")

pv is just like cat but show a progress meter with speed
and has the -L option which limits the speed, so you can do

pv -L 1M source_file >dest_file

(the version in gentoo and in debian differ in the way that one
recognizes 1M in -L as 1 megabyte, the other recognizes just the number
as speed in bytes, so you have to write -L 1000000, but i don't remeber
which was which ;) 


YoYo () Siska      

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