On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 11:34:58 +0800, William Kenworthy
> Step 1, take everything in the forums and what others say including me
> with a large dose of scepticism: if you want the truth, test it
> yourself, and look up the man pages for each option and see what it
> really does - not what the forums say as people do not always quote the
> source correctly.

Another question, somewhat related:  I saw a post re using
"LDFLAGS="-Wl,-O1" in the make.conf file.  However, the gentoo devs
seem to go a little mad whenever they run into this idea, so I quit
that practice.  I'm a little unclear on a) what exactly that does and
b) why it's harmful.  The man page for ld just says that -O<greater
than zero> "optimizes the output".

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