On Thursday 03 February 2005 01:24 pm, Douglas James Dunn wrote:
> if you have cable and your using a new ISP now, Besides the wasting of
> bandwidth on the lists part does it really matter if they keep sending
> email to your old isp email?

Yes, it does matter, as I'm trying to setup a home network, and am having 
trouble with sorting out the cable ISP connections- and it's going to take 
awhile to complete the house wiring. I need my old dialup ISP and email as a 
backup, until I get the new setup successfully configured.

That's why I tried to unsubscribe to the list on the old ISP, twice- 
unsuccessfully.  I'm simply  asking how that can be accomplished, other than 
how the gentoo list page says to do it- it doesn't work for me- they keep 
sending list emails to my old and unsubscribed address, filling up the inbox.

In any case, surely you're not trying to tell me I shouldn't have more than 
one ISP and email accounts on both at the same time?  If there's any wasting 
of bandwidth on the lists part, it's their fault, not mine- I've tried to 
unsubscribe, using their instructions (now multiple times).
> On Wed, 2005-02-02 at 19:52 -0500, Robert Crawford wrote:
> > When I upgraded to cable, I tried to unsubscribe from my old account,
> > which I did twice exactly like the list home page instructed. I"m keeping
> > the old ISP a few weeks longer, but I visited it's webmail site, and I
> > had literally gotten almost 3000 emails from this list in 2-3 weeks. I
> > had to laborously delete them 50 at a time- took over an hour.
> >
> >  Apparently, the method of sending the list an unsubscribe email doesn't
> > work all the time.
> >
> > Any advice as to how to remedy this?  The old address is
> >
> > If anyone who actually is in control of this list see's this, please
> > unsubscribe me at the above ISP, ASAP. I resubscribed with a new email
> > and new ISP.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Robert Crawford

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