050204 David Dorward wrote:
> On two different systems I use:
> Lynx Version 2.8.5dev.16 (01 Jun 2003)
> Lynx Version 2.8.4rel.1 (17 Jul 2001)

they're rather out-of-date.  the latest version is 2.8.6dev.11 IIRC.
Lynx version numbers are misleading & Gentoo doesn't keep up properly:
other projects would call '2.8.6dev.11' '2.9.11' or something like that.
the 'dev' versions are usually very stable: i use 2.8.6dev.4 in  /usr/local ,
which never fails: i just haven't recompiled recently.

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TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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