On 13:20 Tue 08 Feb     , Devraj Mukherjee wrote:
> Everyone,
> Along with your help I have been fighting with a software RAID1 issue on
> my Dell PowerEdge server. All along I believe I have been doing everything
> right except that the kernel did not support SATA.
> I have been working with hardened-dev-source which yields into a
> 2.6.7-hardened-r9 kernel. I did check all options to do with SATA and
> nothing stillw orked. I have also tried a normal (without RAID) install of
> Gentoo with the same kernel and failed to boot from my SATA drive.
> Can someone confirm if I have to use 2.6.9 kernels to get SATA support?
I can confirm that SATA and RAID0 works very well with
gentoo-dev-sources, following the forums. I am using latest stable.
I'm sure RAID1 works just as well. I would recommend getting your
machine up and running with a non-hardened kernel, then try the
hardened, which tends to break some things.

> Is gentoo-sources good enough for servers?
gentoo-sources has been the 2.4 kernel, though that will be changing
to 2.6 when 2005.0 comes out. I would recommend using the 2.6.10
kernel (latest stable), unless you have some overwhelming reason to
use a 2.4 kernel. There were some driver issues/changes regarding SATA
in some of the 2.4, early 2.6, kernels. Some of the 2.6.9 kernels
reportedly has some other issues, though I never saw any.

> If not can the patches from hardened-dev-sources (for 2.6.7) be applied to
> the 2.6.9 sources?

Again, take it one step at a time. First, get SATA and RAID1 working,
then worry about moving it to hardened.

Bill Roberts

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