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Shaun Lipscombe wrote:
| * Holly Bostick wrote:
|>Actually, emerge does compile from where it left off in some respect; it
|>does start the process from the beginning, but if the section is found
|>to already be compiled, it is not recompiled; Portage just goes on to
|>the next part.
|>Compiling OO.o just takes a *really* long time... Some users have
|>reported as long as 12 hours; I think it took me 4 on an Athlon 2200+
|>(1.8Ghz), but it may have been longer.
|>Shouldn't you find out what the problem is that is causing the compile
|>to fail and try to fix it before attempting to recompile? This compile
|>is long enough Or have you already solved the problem? My usual problem
|>is lack of disk space; you need to have about 3 GB free in your temp
|>folder for OO.o to have enough space to compile.
| I would find out what's wrong but so far I've had gnome running (gdm)
| and emerge running in a terminal I've come back a day later to check up
| on it and strangely its like gnome logged itself out and restarted the
| X session since my terminals and running aps were gone/stopped and I was
| just staring at an empty desktop like when you first login.  I did an
| uptime to make sure the laptop didn't reboot (it hadn't).. I scratched
| my head and tried again. Went up to the laptop this morning and same
| thing! Blank desktop and no clues! This time I'm not going to emerge
| from a terminal in gnome, I've ssh'd into the laptop and hopefully I'll
| get some idea of what exactly is wrong.  However in the meantime
| emergine openoffice seems to start the whole process all over again even
| though I know that 7 hours worth of compiling was fine..
| Weird problem. If it does it again, maybe i'll use the binary :-)

Not so weird after all. You are running out of memory while compiling
openoffice.org. The kernel tries to free up some memory and thus is
happy to kill everything he thinks is not necessary (including GNOME, X,
...) to keep the system running. Create a swap partition or swap file
and your problems should be solved.


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