> A database would not work because I wouldn't be able to 
> #1 make this easy tree structure to scan

If it 'works' as a directory, it is therefore hierarchical in nature and can
be structured in a database.

> #2 it will be smaller storage wise in files and in a DB 
> with all that overhead 

It has the appearances of that, but it is untrue.  You're comparing just the
size of the data files against the resulting database size.  Of course these
values are significantly different.  The difference is the result of not
including the size of the same indexing information pushed as inodes et. Al.
on the disk.  Including those in your calculation will result in similar

Yes, with a database there will be some overhead.  But that overhead will
result in improved runtime performance; the average time to return a record
from the database will be shorter than the average time on the filesystem.

> #3 digging through the tree is faster
> than an index scan in mysql, postgresq or DB2 with as many records as
> I'll have.

I don't believe you have the a) empirical evidence to back this up and more
likely b) the experience in data modeling.

If such a statement were true, everyone would be dumping databases in favor
of building directory structures which mapped their data.

> The projected database structure would be >=3Tb, but by using
> directories as my index I can eleminate much of that overhead and shring
> my storage requirement to a maintainable 750G.  You don't learn that in
> programming class, you learn that building financial software for the
> last 10 years.

Again, that's just the apparent disk consumption.  Try creating your
filesystem with that many nested directories and compare the usage on the
disk itself.  I think you'll be surprised to find the similar usage
> You 
> #1 didn't have enough information to tell me how to arch. my software,

I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you were not the architect of the
software.  With more than your 10 years I have enough experience to know
that such filesystem usage is doomed to failure.
> #2 assumed the wrong info and made the wrong suggestion 

And that would be the same suggestion pointed out by numerous other
responders.  How many responses saying 'yes your idea is good' have you

If, in your 10 years of financial software development, you had ever worked
with software that did try to use the filesystem in the manner that you
plan, you wouldn't have had to ask the question in the first place.  You'd
already have the experience to know that, while it might work, it would
suffer from numerous performance and stability issues that you won't be able
to track down and resolve.

> #3 didn't provide any helpful information 

I certainly did.  I pointed you towards a much more workable system (a
database-based one) than your unworkable one.

> #4 attempted an insult on a list that is supposed to assist.

Hmm, I didn't see any insult to you in my reply.  It did suggest that you
use a database for the implementation, and not the filesystem.  That
suggestion was meant to assist; you took it as an insult because you were
offended that someone would point out flaws in your architecture.

> Why even send your post? (don't bother with answer)

Oh, but I love getting the last word in.

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