Michael Sullivan wrote:
Continuing my efforts to recreate the services on my server PC running
FC1 on my client PC running Gentoo so that I can install Gentoo on the
server PC I am now to the part where I need to enable IMAP and POP3
access on my client PC.  I looked on Google for how to do this, and
everything I found said that it was for Postfix.  I use Sendmail - it's
the only MTA I have a book on.  Can anyone point me to a free online
resource of how to do this with Gentoo and sendmail?

I'd install which ever package is providing IMAP/POP3 on your Fedora system. However,

If you're using .maildir format
emerge courier-imap

If you're using mbox format
emerge uw-imap

/etc/init.d/$service start

It really is that easy unless you need to change anything about the default setup, which you shouldn't need to do unless you're building a virtual system.

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