On Saturday 19 February 2005 19:37, Collins Richey wrote:

> Just an aside. I've always been curious what really causes this
> problem. I've been running gentoo for 4+ years, and I've never
> encountered this. I wonder if it's because I reun 100% ~x86?

good question, I am 100% ~x86 too, with daily updates and have (almost) no 
probs, but my friends, who have some ~x86 packages installed or 100% x86 
system, have some (a lot more)  trouble.. and the less they make updates, the 
more often are there problems.

So from a very special point of view (mine) it is safer to be totally bleeding 
edge, than to do the monthly (weekly)  update-limbo and fell on my back.

Glück Auf

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