On Sat, 19 Feb 2005 11:37:47 -0700, Collins Richey wrote:

> >  This is sort of a recurring emerge problem that you see many people
> >  having
> > in the mailing list. It happened to me with a similar "No such file"
> > errors in the gcc-lib, the fix_libtool worked, but I am no wiz,
> > somebody can comment on that?
> >  
> Just an aside. I've always been curious what really causes this
> problem. I've been running gentoo for 4+ years, and I've never
> encountered this. I wonder if it's because I reun 100% ~x86?

I can't recall if I've seen it on this 100% ~x86 system, I think I have,
but it's definitely happened on my ~amd64 setup, so it's not caused by
mixing testing and stable ebuilds.

Neil Bothwick

"Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule."

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