Thanks for all your tips and suggestions. Hats off to
Karsten; your fstab suggestion seems to have done the
trick 8)


> rwxrwxrwx is normal if you mount a vfat partition:
> it doesn't support

I didn't mean literally rwxrwxrwx, of course, but some
octal count or other

> permissions anyway. Who is the owner? There should
> be something like
> -rw-r--r--   1 wwong root      322 Feb 25 15:43 toDo
> -rw-r--r--   1 wwong root     1557 Oct 15 19:09
> toGet
> -rw-r--r--   1 wwong root      424 Jan 17 21:09
> toLookUp
> permission     user  group

there is -- forgot to mention owners in earlier post

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