Hamie wrote:

OK. Frustrated debian user here... Maybe I should go back... Anyway...

What am I doing wrong? I THOUGHT that one of the things that portage would do for me is to make sure dependencies are taken care of... Yet this seems to be worse than the rpm hell I used to experience with redhat... emerge seems to get some of the pre-req's, but not all of them.

Currently I'm trying to get dvdrip on there... But it's complaining that gtk isn't available.. Try to emerge gtk+ and it complains that it needs an Xft Pango backend... ARRGGHH!!!

What am I missing?

Everybody so far is talking about USE flags, but to me this looks like (given the very limited info), a mask issue.

What I would like to know is what is the exact message when gtk + is reported as not available. Is it blocked? Masked? If masked, what kind of mask (the emerge output will say).

I rather think that dvdrip may well need some ~arch dependencies (if it is not ~arch itself), and said dependencies are masked for whatever reason.

But more complete information would really help, most notably exact output.

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