Hello All,

I just put together a fresh Gentoo System on my laptop. This is the 5th-6th 
(starting to lose count) system that I've set up from stage1 and I think I've 
finally got it all down. I decided to try JFS instead of ext3 and all is fine 
except that I can't boot with GRUB.

I get
# GRUB Loading stage1.5.
# GRUB loading, please wait...
and then it goes out to lunch.

I can still get into the system by using a KANOTIX live-cd (knoppix derivative) 
that uses grub. Then manually boot with "kernel (hd0,0)/boot/kernel-2.6.10 
vga=791" and the system is doing rather well. So.. things work if I use grub 
exterally, but not from the MBR. I'd really like to avoid making an ext2/3 
partition to house grub if I can. Any ideas?


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