On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 23:47, maxim wexler wrote:
> >
> http://www.edmunds-enterprises.com/linux/cart.php/ba/pdtl/product/218
> > 
> How different are these from the packageCDs on the
> gentoo site? In a pinch I can get one of these from a
> pal in town who has broadband. That's how I got the
> install iso.

According to my intepretation of the site, the packages are synced and
burnt/pressed within 24 hours of the order.

Gentoo has been the rising star in the Linux community with it's
innovative ports system and the capability to easily compile and
optimize selected packages from source. By installing only the packages
you desire and really need, you have the ability to customize your
system to your heart's content. It's strength also lies in how quickly
new releases of popular applications make it to the portage tree. You
can be enjoying programs such as that new KDE desktop weeks or even
months before "that other major distro" is getting ready for a new major

Yet, even with it's strengths there are some 'challenges': 
      * to really obtain a full Gentoo Linux install you really need
        high speed internet access. This is because after the base
        install from CD the majority of packages are then downloaded
        from a mirror to be compiled and installed on your system.
      * if you are behind a firewall it can be difficult (though
        possible) to sync the portage tree with your Gentoo system
To address these barriers we've created Gentoo Portage Essentials CD's,
an exclusive offering from Edmunds Enterprises. We automatically build
these daily custom Gentoo package CD's which contain the latest stable
version of the the most popular and essential programs that will meet
the needs of most Linux users. By scanning the portage tree for the
previous day you are assured that only stable packages are selected and
that they are the most recent versions available. You can watch the
gentoo mirrors to see what the date of the latest portage archive is
under the snapshots directory to see how current these CD's will be. 

After installing you can still download and install your own security
updates and package releases. If however you see a new package that is
just too large to download or you are looking for the convenience of
having up to date Gentoo packages CD's, then you always have the option
of obtaining an updated portage tree of Gentoo Essentials. If you are
installing multiple machines then this may also be the trick to quickly
and easily update multiple PC's. 

The package selection list is loosly based on the types of packages you
would find in a popular distribution such as Mandrake and will meed the
needs of most Linux desktop and server configurations. However, you are
never limited to just installing these packages and can always download
and install additional packages as your needs change. With over 6GB of
packages on the mirrors there are many to choose from. We are also
always looking at new packages to add to Gentoo Essentials so email us
with your suggestions and we'll see if we can fit them on the CD's. 

What You Need

To install Gentoo you will need an installation CD (available separately
as Gentoo Linux 1.4rc? Basic x86) to get a basic system up and running.
>From there you would install the applications you desire from the Gentoo
Essentials CD's by following the step by step instructions found on

Since these programs are updated frequently by the folks of Gentoo the
actual package list may vary somewhat from build to build but basically
this CD set will contain the latest stable version of each of these
packages whenever possible

> Besides, I know I need a whack of X11R6*src files(for
> starters) and didn't see them listed in the edmunds
> gentoo-package-list. Maybe they're hidden in one of
> those alternate lines of black on dark blue text!

Try using control-a in your browser to select all the text in the page.
Here is an unedited copy/paste:
app-admin/addpatchespatch management script app-admin/dosfstoolsdos
filesystem tools app-admin/fam-ossFAM, the File Alteration Monitor
app-admin/genromfsCreate space-efficient, small, read-only romfs
filesystems app-admin/gentoo-statsGentoo Linux usage statistics client
daemon app-admin/gentoolkitCollection of unofficial administration
scripts for Gentoo app-admin/gkrellmSingle process stack of various
system monitors app-admin/kportageA graphical frontend for portage
app-admin/logrotateRotates, compresses, and mails system logs
app-admin/makepasswdRandom password generator app-admin/metalogA highly
configurable replacement for syslogd/klogd app-admin/mirrorselectTool to
help select distfiles mirrors for Gentoo app-admin/mtoolsutilities to
access MS-DOS disks from Unix without mounting them app-admin/procinfoA
utility to prettyprint /proc/* app-admin/sudoAllows certain users/groups
to run commands as root app-admin/sysklogdStandard log daemons
app-admin/usbviewDisplay the topology of devices on the USB bus
app-admin/userminUsermin, a web-based user administration interface
app-admin/webminWebmin, a web-based system administration interface
app-arch/cabextractExtracts files from Microsoft .cab files
app-arch/dumpDump/restore ext2fs backup utilities
app-arch/file-rollerarchive manager for GNOME app-arch/gnorpmA Gnome RPM
Frontend app-arch/mt-stEnhanced mt command for Linux, supporting Linux
2.4 ioctls app-arch/ncompressAnother uncompressor for compatibility
app-arch/rpmRed Hat Package Management Utils app-arch/rpm2targzConvert a
.rpm file to a .tar.gz archive app-arch/unzipUnzipper for
pkzip-compressed files app-arch/zipInfo ZIP app-cdr/arsonA KDE frontend
to CD burning and CD ripping tools. app-cdr/cdlabelgenCD cover, tray
card and envelope generator app-cdr/cdrdaoBurn CDs in disk-at-once mode
-- with optional GUI frontend app-cdr/cdrtoolsA set of tools for CDR
drives, including cdrecord. app-cdr/eroasterA graphical frontend for
cdrecord and mkisofs written in gnome-python app-cdr/gcombustA GUI for
mkisofs/mkhybrid/cdda2wav/cdrecord/cdlabelgen app-cdr/gtoasterGTK+
Frontend for cdrecord app-cdr/k3bK3b, KDE CD Writing Software
app-cdr/xcdroastMenu based front-end to mkisofs and cdrecord
app-crypt/gnupgThe GNU Privacy Guard, a GPL pgp replacement
app-crypt/kgpgKDE integration for GnuPG app-crypt/krb5MIT Kerberos V
(set up for pam) app-crypt/mhashmhash is a library providing a uniform
interface to a large number of hash algorithms. app-dicts/stardictA
Gnome2 English-Chinese dictionary with fuzzy search.
app-doc/doxygenDoxygen is a documentation system for C++, Java, IDL
(Corba, Microsoft and KDE-DCOP flavors) and C app-doc/gimp-user-manualA
user manual for GIMP app-doc/howto-htmlThe LDP howtos, html format.
app-doc/kdelibs-apidocsAPI documentation autogenerated from the
kde-base/kdelibs package app-doc/qt-docsDocumentation for the QT ${PV}
API app-editors/bluefishBluefish is a GTK HTML editor for the
experienced web designer or programmer. app-editors/emacsAn incredibly
powerful, extensible text editor app-editors/geditA text editor for the
Gnome2 desktop app-editors/gvimGraphical Vim app-editors/hexeditView and
edit files in hex or ASCII. app-editors/jedConsole S-Lang-based editor
app-editors/joeA free ASCII-Text Screen Editor for UNIX
app-editors/nanoGNU GPL'd Pico clone with more functionality
app-editors/neditmulti-purpose text editor for the X Window System
app-editors/quantaA superb web development tool for KDE 3.x
app-editors/vimVi IMproved! app-editors/vim-corevim, gvim and kvim
shared files app-editors/xemacsXEmacs is a highly customizable open
source text editor and application development system.
app-emacs/trampTRAMP (Transparent Remote Access, Multiple Protocols) is
a package for editing remote files, similar to ange-ftp. Whereas
ange-ftp uses FTP to connect to the remote host and to transfer the
files, TRAMP uses a remote shell connection (rlogin, telnet, ssh
app-emulation/dosemuDOS Emulator app-emulation/winefree implementation
of Windows(tm) on Unix - CVS snapshot app-games/adonthellroleplaying
game engine app-games/armagetronarmagetron: 3d tron lightcycles, just
like the movie app-games/bombermazeBomberman clone for GNOME
app-games/bzflagOpenGL accelerated 3d tank combat simulator game
app-games/chromiumChromium B.S.U. - an arcade game
app-games/cubeLandscape-style engine that pretends to be an indoor first
person shooter engine app-games/diggerDigger Remastered
app-games/fortune-modThe notorious fortune program
app-games/freecivmultiplayer strategy game (Civilization Clone)
app-games/frozen-bubbleA Puzzle Bubble clone written in perl
app-games/gnuchessConsole based chess interface
app-games/lbreakout2Breakout clone written with the SDL library
app-games/ltrisvery polished Tetris clone app-games/maelstromAn
asteroids battle game app-games/marblespuzzle game inspired by Atomix
and written in SDL app-games/pysolPySol card game
app-games/pysol-sound-serverSound server for PySol
app-games/rocksndiamondsA Boulderdash clone
app-games/topplerreimplemention of Nebulus using SDL
app-games/tuxracerTux Racer lets you take on the role of Tux the Linux
Penguin as he races down steep, snow-covered mountains.
app-games/xboardGUI for gnuchess and for internet chess servers
app-games/xgalagaClone of the game Galaga
app-i18n/freewnnNetwork-Extensible Kana-to-Kanji Conversion System
app-i18n/xcinChinese X Input Method app-misc/fdutilsThe fdutils package
contains utilities for configuring and debugging the Linux floppy driver
app-misc/jpilotDesktop Organizer Software for the Palm Pilot
app-misc/rio500Command line tools for transfering mp3s to and from a
Rio500 app-misc/screenScreen is a full-screen window manager that
multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes
app-misc/vlockA console screen locker app-misc/xlockmoreJust another
screensaver application for X app-office/diaDiagram Creation Program
app-office/gnucashA personal finance manager
app-office/gnumericGnumeric, the GNOME Spreadsheet
app-office/icalCalendar program app-office/kofficeA free, integrated
office suite for KDE, the K Desktop Environment.
app-office/mrprojectProject manager for Gnome2
app-office/openofficeOpenOffice.org, a full office productivity suite.
app-office/openoffice-binOpenOffice productivity suite
app-office/phprojektProject management and coordination system
app-office/scribusLayout program similar to Adobe® PageMaker,
QuarkXPress, or Adobe® InDesign app-sci/unitsprogram for units
conversion and units calculation app-shells/bashThe standard GNU Bourne
again shell app-shells/bash-completionProgrammable Completion for bash
(includes emerge and ebuild commands). app-shells/pdkshThe Public Domain
Korn Shell app-shells/sashA small static UNIX Shell with readline
support app-shells/tcshEnhanced version of the Berkeley C shell (csh)
app-shells/zshUNIX Shell similar to the Korn shell app-text/a2psAny to
PostScript filter app-text/acroreadAdobe's PDF reader app-text/aspellA
spell checker replacement for ispell app-text/bibletimeBibleTime KDE
Bible study application using the SWORD library. app-text/cpp2latexA
program to convert C++ code to LaTeX source app-text/dgsA Ghostscript
based DPS server app-text/docbook-dsssl-stylesheetsDSSSL Stylesheets for
DocBook. app-text/docbook-sgml-dtdDocbook SGML DTD 4.1
app-text/docbook-sgml-utilsShell scripts to manage DocBook documents
app-text/docbook-xml-dtdDocbook DTD for XML
app-text/docbook-xml-simple-dtdDocbook DTD for XML
app-text/docbook-xsl-stylesheetsXSL Stylesheets for Docbook
app-text/enscriptpowerful text-to-postsript converter app-text/ggvyour
favourite PostScript previewer app-text/ghostscriptESP Ghostscript -- an
enhanced version of GNU Ghostscript with better printer support
app-text/gnome-spellGnome spellchecking component.
app-text/gtkspellspell library for GTK2 app-text/gvstandard ghostscript
frontend used by programs like LyX app-text/htmltidyfix mistakes and
tidy up sloppy editing in HTML and XML app-text/ispellfast
screen-oriented spelling checker app-text/jadetexTeX macros used by Jade
TeX output. app-text/latex2htmlLATEX2HTML is a convertor written in Perl
that converts LATEX documents to HTML. app-text/louthigh-level language
for document formatting app-text/mpageA printing tool
app-text/openjadeJade is an implemetation of DSSSL - an ISO standard for
formatting SGML and XML documents app-text/pinfoHypertext info and man
viewer based on (n)curses app-text/psutilsPost Script Utilities
app-text/rcsRevision Control System app-text/recodeConvert files between
various character sets. app-text/sablotronAn XSLT Parser in C++
app-text/scrollkeeperScrollkeeper app-text/sgml-commonBase ISO character
entities and utilities for SGML app-text/sgmltools-litePython interface
to SGML software specificially in a DocBook/OpenJade environment.
Provides sgml2{html,txt,rtf,dvi,ps} app-text/swordlibrary for bible
reading software app-text/t1utilsType 1 Font utilities app-text/tetexa
complete TeX distribution app-text/treeLists directories recursively,
and produces an indented listing of files. app-text/wvtool for
convertion of MSWord doc and rtf files to something readable
app-text/xpdfAn X Viewer for PDF Files app-text/yuditfree (Y)unicode
text editor for all unices app-xemacs/etermTerminal emulation.
app-xemacs/ispellSpell-checking with GNU ispell. app-xemacs/leimMULE:
Quail. All non-English and non-Japanese language support.
app-xemacs/trampRemote shell-based file editing.
app-xemacs/xemacs-baseFundamental XEmacs support, you almost certainly
need this. dev-db/mysqlA fast, multi-threaded, multi-user SQL database
server. dev-db/postgresqlsophisticated Object-Relational DBMS
dev-java/antJava-based build tool similar to 'make' that uses XML
configuration files. dev-java/blackdown-jdkBlackdown Java Development
Kit ${PV} dev-java/java-configUtility to change the Java Virtual Machine
being used dev-java/jdbc2-postgresqlJDBC Driver for PostgreSQL
dev-java/jdbc3-postgresqlJDBC3 Driver for PostgreSQL dev-java/jikesIBM's
open source, high performance Java compiler dev-java/kaffeA cleanroom,
open source Java VM and class libraries dev-java/sun-jdkSun's J2SE
Development Kit, version 1.4.1_02 dev-lang/hugs98The HUGS98 Haskell
interpreter dev-lang/nasmgroovy little assembler dev-lang/perlLarry
Wall's Practical Extraction and Reporting Language dev-lang/pythonA
really great language dev-lang/rubyAn object-oriented scripting language
dev-lang/swigSimplied Wrapper and Interface Generator dev-lang/tclTool
Command Language dev-lang/tkTk Widget Set dev-libs/DirectFBDirectFB is a
thin library on top of the Linux framebuffer devices dev-libs/atermATerm
tree-handling library dev-libs/atkGnome Accessibility Toolkit
dev-libs/cyrus-saslThe Cyrus SASL (Simple Authentication and Security
Layer) dev-libs/elfutilsLibraries and utilities to handle compiled
objects. This should be a drop in replacement for libelf.
dev-libs/expatXML parsing libraries dev-libs/g-wrapA tool for exporting
C libraries into Scheme dev-libs/glibThe GLib library of C routines
dev-libs/libIDLCORBA tree builder dev-libs/libmcryptlibmcrypt is a
library that provides uniform interface to access several encryption
algorithms. dev-libs/libpcrePerl-compatible regular expression library
dev-libs/libsigc++The GLib library of C routines
dev-libs/libunicodeUnicode library dev-libs/libxmlVersion 1 of the
library to manipulate XML files. dev-libs/libxml2Version 2 of the
library to manipulate XML files dev-libs/libxsltXSLT libraries and tools
dev-libs/lzoAn extremely fast compression and decompression library
dev-libs/mmShared Memory Abstraction Library dev-libs/opensslToolkit for
SSL v2/v3 and TLS v1 dev-libs/pilot-linksuite of tools for moving data
between a Palm device and a desktop dev-libs/poptParse Options - Command
line parser dev-libs/pwlibLibs needed for GnomeMeeting
dev-libs/sliblibrary providing functions for Scheme implementations
dev-perl/Audio-ToolsTools required by some Audio modules
dev-perl/Audio-WavModules for reading & writing Microsoft WAV files.
dev-perl/Convert-BERA Convert Perl Module dev-perl/DBD-mysqlThe Perl
DBD:mysql Module dev-perl/DBIThe Perl DBI Module dev-perl/DB_FileA
Berkeley DB Support Perl Module dev-perl/Data-ShowTableThe Perl
ShowTable Module dev-perl/ExtUtils-F77F77 Perl Module
dev-perl/ExtUtils-MakeMakerMakeMaker Perl Module dev-perl/GDinterface to
Thomas Boutell's gd library dev-perl/HTML-SimpleParseA bare-bones HTML
parser, similar to HTML::Parser, but with a couple important
distinctions. dev-perl/IO-stringyA Perl module for I/O on in-core
objects like strings and arrays dev-perl/MIME-toolsA Perl module for
parsing and creating MIME entities dev-perl/MP3-InfoA Perl module to
manipulate/fetch info from MP3 files dev-perl/Mail-SpamAssassinPerl
Mail::SpamAssassin - A program to filter spam dev-perl/MailToolsBasic
mail modules for Perl dev-perl/MonA Monitor Perl Module
dev-perl/Net-DaemonThe Perl Net-Daemon Module
dev-perl/Net-SSLeayNet::SSLeay module for perl dev-perl/Net-TelnetA
Telnet Perl Module dev-perl/PDLPDL Perl Module
dev-perl/Parse-RecDescentPerl Module dev-perl/Periodtime period Perl
module dev-perl/PlRPCThe Perl RPC Module dev-perl/SGMLSpmPerl library
for parsing the output of nsgmls dev-perl/SafeCompile and execute code
in restricted compartments dev-perl/StorableThe Perl Storable Module
dev-perl/Term-ReadLine-PerlQuick implimentation of readline utilities.
dev-perl/Test-HarnessRuns perl standard test scripts with statistics
dev-perl/Test-SimpleBasic utilities for writing tests
dev-perl/XML-LibXMLA Perl module to parse XSL Transformational sheets
using gnome's libXSLT dev-perl/XML-LibXML-CommonRoutines and Constants
common for XML::LibXML and XML::GDOME. dev-perl/XML-ParserA Perl
extension interface to James Clark's XML parser, expat.
dev-perl/XML-SAXPerl module for using and building Perl SAX2 XML
parsers, filters, and drivers dev-perl/XML-WriterXML Writer Perl Module
dev-perl/gtk-perlPerl bindings for GTK dev-perl/mod_perlA Perl Module
for Apache dev-perl/perl-tkA Perl Module for Tk dev-perl/sdl-perlSDL
binding for perl dev-php/mod_phpApache module for PHP dev-php/phpPHP
Shell Interpreter dev-python/ImagingPython Imaging Library (PIL).
dev-python/PyOpenGLPython OpenGL bindings dev-python/PyXMLA collection
of libraries to process XML with Python. dev-python/pygtkGTK+2 bindings
for Python dev-python/python-fchksumPython module to find the checksum
of files dev-python/wxPythonA blending of the wxWindows C++ class
library with Python. dev-ruby/ruby-gtkRuby Gtk+ bindings
dev-tcltk/expecttool for automating interactive applications
dev-util/byaccthe best variant of the Yacc parser generator
dev-util/cscopeCScope - interactively examine a C program
dev-util/ctagsCtags generates an index (or tag) file of C language
objects found in C source and header files that allows these items to be
quickly and easily located by a text editor or other utility. Currently
supports 22 programming languages. dev-util/cvsConcurrent Versions
System - source code revision control tools dev-util/dialogA Tool to
display Dialog boxes from Shell dev-util/diffstatdiffstat reads the
output of diff and displays a histogram of the insertions, deletions,
and modifications per-file dev-util/gladeGUI designer for GTK+/GNOME-1
dev-util/glademmA C++ backend for glade, the GUI designer for Gtk.
dev-util/gnustep-guileGNUstep Guile bridge dev-util/gobpreprocessor for
making GTK+ objects with inline C code dev-util/gperfA perfect hash
function generator. dev-util/guileScheme interpreter
dev-util/indentIndent program source files dev-util/intltoolScripts for
extracting translatable strings from various sourcefiles dev-util/kdbgA
Graphical Debugger Interface to gdb dev-util/kdevelopKDevelop ${PV}
dev-util/kdocKDE/QT documentation processing/generation tools
dev-util/ltraceltrace shows runtime library call information for
dynamically linked executables dev-util/netbeansNetBeans ${PV} IDE for
Java dev-util/pcctsPurdue Compiler Construction Tool Set is an embedded
C/C++ parser generator dev-util/pkgconfigPackage Config system that
manages compile/link flags for libraries dev-util/straceA usefull
diagnostic, instructional, and debugging tool dev-util/tkcvsTkCVS
dev-util/tmakeA Cross platform Makefile tool dev-util/xdeltaComputes
changes between binary or text files and creates deltas
gnome-base/ORBitA high-performance, lightweight CORBA ORB aiming for
CORBA 2.2 compliance gnome-base/ORBit2ORBit2 is a high-performance CORBA
ORB gnome-base/bonoboA set of language and system independant CORBA
interfaces gnome-base/bonobo-activationGnome2 replacement for OAF
gnome-base/control-centerthe gnome2 Desktop configuration tool
gnome-base/eelEEL is the Eazel Extentions Library gnome-base/gailPart of
Gnome Accessibility gnome-base/gconfGnome Configuration System and
Daemon gnome-base/gdmGNOME2 Display Manager
gnome-base/gnome-appletsApplets for the Gnome2 Desktop and Panel
gnome-base/gnome-commonSome Common files for Gnome2 applications
gnome-base/gnome-coreCore components of the GNOME desktop environment
gnome-base/gnome-desktopLibraries for the gnome desktop that is not part
of the UI gnome-base/gnome-libsGNOME Core Libraries
gnome-base/gnome-mime-dataMIME database for Gnome
gnome-base/gnome-panelThe Panel for Gnome2 gnome-base/gnome-printGNOME
printing library gnome-base/gnome-sessionthe Gnome2 session manager
gnome-base/gnome-vfsGnome Virtual Filesystem gnome-base/libbonoboa CORBA
framework  gnome-base/libbonobouiUser Interface part of Lib bonobo
gnome-base/libghttpGNOME http client library gnome-base/libgladeGLADE is
a interface builder gnome-base/libgnomeEssential Gnome Libraries
gnome-base/libgnomecanvasthe Gnome 2 Canvas library
gnome-base/libgnomeprintPrinter handling for Gnome
gnome-base/libgnomeprintuiuser interface libraries for gnome print
gnome-base/libgnomeuiUser interface part of libgnome
gnome-base/libgtoplibrary that proivdes top functionality to
applications gnome-base/librsvgrendering svg library
gnome-base/nautilusA filemanager for the Gnome2 desktop
gnome-base/oafObject Activation Framework for GNOME
gnome-extra/bonobo-confBonobo Configuration System
gnome-extra/bug-buddyBug Report helper for Gnome gnome-extra/galThe
Gnome Application Libraries gnome-extra/gnome-audiognome-audio
gnome-extra/gnome-gamesGames for the Gnome2 desktop
gnome-extra/gnome-mediaMultimedia related programs for the Gnome2
desktop gnome-extra/gnome-pilot-conduitsGnome Pilot Conduits
gnome-extra/gnome-utilsUtilities for the Gnome2 desktop
gnome-extra/gnome-vfs-extrasthe Gnome Virtual Filesystem extra libraries
gnome-extra/gtkhtmlLightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine.
gnome-extra/guppiGNOME Plotting Tool
gnome-extra/nautilus-gtkhtmllibgtkhtml addons for Nautilus in gnome2
gnome-extra/users-guidegnome-users-guide gnome-extra/yelpHelp browser
for Gnome2 kde-base/artsaRts, the KDE sound (and all-around multimedia)
server/output manager kde-base/kdeKDE 3.1 - merge this to pull in all
non-developer kde-base/* packages kde-base/kde-envSets up some env.d
files for kde kde-base/kdeaddonsKDE addon modules: plugins for
konqueror, noatun etc kde-base/kdeadminKDE administration tools (user
manager, etc.) kde-base/kdeartworkKDE artwork package
kde-base/kdebaseKDE base packages: the desktop, panel, window manager,
konqueror... kde-base/kdebindingsKDE library bindings for languages
other than c++ kde-base/kdeeduKDE educational apps kde-base/kdegamesKDE
games (solitaire :-) kde-base/kdegraphicsKDE graphics-related apps
kde-base/kdelibsKDE libraries needed by all kde programs
kde-base/kdemultimediaKDE multimedia apps: noatun, kscd, artsbuilder...
kde-base/kdenetworkKDE network apps: kmail, kppp, knode...
kde-base/kdepimKDE PIM (Personal Information Management) apps:
korganizer... kde-base/kdesdkKDE SDK: kbabel, ... kde-base/kdetoysKDE
toys kde-base/kdeutilsKDE utilities media-gfx/eeee media-gfx/eogthe Eye
Of Gnome - Image Viewer and Cataloger for Gnome2
media-gfx/gif2pnggif2png media-gfx/gimpDevelopment series of Gimp
media-gfx/gnuplotQuick and useful plotting program media-gfx/gphotofree,
redistributable digital camera software application
media-gfx/gphoto2free, redistributable digital camera software
application media-gfx/gqviewA GTK-based image browser
media-gfx/graphvizopen source graph drawing software media-gfx/gtkamA
frontend for gPhoto 2 media-gfx/imagemagickA collection of tools and
libraries for many image formats media-gfx/qivQuick Image Viewer
media-gfx/sane-backendsScanner Access Now Easy - Backends
media-gfx/sane-frontendsScanner Access Now Easy
media-gfx/sketchInteractive X11 vector drawing program
media-gfx/transfigA set of tools for creating TeX documents with
graphics which can be printed in a wide variety of environments
media-gfx/xfigA menu-driven tool to draw and manipulate objects
interactively in an X window. media-gfx/xliX Load Image: view images or
load them to root window media-gfx/xsanegraphical scanning frontend
media-libs/a52deca52dec is a bundle of the liba52 (a free library for
decoding ATSC A/52 streams used in DVD, etc) with a test program
media-libs/aalibA ASCI-Graphics Library media-libs/alsa-libAdvanced
Linux Sound Architecture Library media-libs/audiofileAn elegant API for
accessing audio files media-libs/divx4linuxBinary release of DivX Codec
5.0.1 media-libs/fontconfigA library for configuring and customizing
font access. media-libs/freetypeA high-quality and portable font engine
media-libs/gdk-pixbufGNOME Image Library media-libs/giflibLibrary to
handle, display and manipulate GIF images media-libs/glide-v3Hardware
support for the voodoo3, voodoo4 and voodoo5 media-libs/glutThe OpenGL
Utility Toolkit (GLUT) media-libs/gstreamerStreaming media framework
media-libs/id3libId3 library for C/C++ media-libs/imlibgeneral image
loading and rendering library media-libs/jbigkitJBIG-KIT implements a
highly effective data compression algorithm for bi-level high-resolution
images such as fax pages or scanned documents media-libs/jpegLibrary to
load, handle and manipulate images in the JPEG format
media-libs/jpeg-mmxJPEG library with mmx enhancements media-libs/lcmsA
lightweight, speed optimized color management engine media-libs/libaothe
audio output library media-libs/libart_lgpla LGPL version of libart
media-libs/libdvsoftware codec for dv-format video (camcorders etc)
media-libs/libdvdcssA portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
media-libs/libdvdnavLibrary for DVD navigation tools.
media-libs/libdvdreadProvides a simple foundation for reading DVD-Video
images. media-libs/libfameMPEG-1 and MPEG-4 video encoding library
media-libs/libgdA graphics library for fast image creation
media-libs/libggiFast and safe graphics and drivers for about any
graphics card to the Linux kernel (sometimes) media-libs/libgiiFast and
safe graphics and drivers for about any graphics card to the Linux
kernel (sometimes) media-libs/libmikmodA library to play a wide range of
module formats media-libs/libmngMultiple Image Networkgraphics lib
(animated png's) media-libs/libmovtarMovtar tools and library for MJPEG
video media-libs/libmpeg3An mpeg library for linux media-libs/liboggthe
Ogg media file format library media-libs/libpngPortable Network Graphics
library media-libs/libsdlSimple Direct Media Layer media-libs/libswfA
library for flash movies media-libs/libungifA library for reading and
writing gif images without LZW compression media-libs/libvorbisthe Ogg
Vorbis sound file format library media-libs/mesaOpenGL like graphic
library for Linux media-libs/mingA OpenSource library from flash movie
generation media-libs/mpeg-libA lib for MPEG-1 video media-libs/netpbmA
set of utilities for converting to/from the netpbm (and related) formats
media-libs/openquicktimeOpenQuicktime library for linux
media-libs/pdflibA library for generating PDF on the fly
media-libs/quicktime4linuxquicktime library for linux
media-libs/sdl-gfxGraphics drawing primitives library for SDL
media-libs/sdl-imageimage file loading library
media-libs/sdl-mixerSimple Direct Media Layer Mixer Library
media-libs/sdl-soundA library that handles the decoding sound file
formats media-libs/sdl-ttflibrary that allows you to use TrueType fonts
in SDL applications media-libs/smpegSDL MPEG Player Library
media-libs/svgalibA library for running svga graphics on the console
media-libs/t1libA Type 1 Rasterizer Library for UNIX/X11
media-libs/tifflibtiff media-libs/win32codecsWin32 binary codecs for
video and audio playback support media-libs/xine-libCore libraries for
Xine movie player. media-libs/xpmXPM image library media-libs/xvidXviD,
a high performance/quality MPEG-4 video de-/encoding solution.
media-plugins/alsa-xmmsAllows XMMS to output on any ALSA 0.9* device.
Supports surround 4.0 output with conversion media-plugins/avi-xmmsA
xmms plugin for AVI/DivX movies media-plugins/rmxmmsRealAudio plugin for
xmms media-plugins/xine-d4dCaptain CSS plugin for the xine media player.
media-plugins/xine-d5dCaptain CSS menu plugin for the xine media player
media-plugins/xine-dmdDMD plugin for DVD playback for Xine player.
media-plugins/xine-dvdnavDVD Navigator plugin for Xine. Also add CSS
decription support. media-plugins/xmms-aalsaThis output plugin allows
xmms to work with alsa 5 NOT alsa 9 media-plugins/xmms-alarmAn alarm
plugin for XMMS media-plugins/xmms-artsThis output plugin allows xmms to
work with arts, KDE's sound system media-plugins/xmms-blurskYet another
psychedelic visualization plug-in for XMMS
media-plugins/xmms-crossfadeXMMS Plugin for crossfading, and continuous
output. media-plugins/xmms-dflowersDual Flowers visualization plugin for
xmms media-plugins/xmms-dscopeDual Scope visualization plugin for XMMS
media-plugins/xmms-dspectogramDual spectral histogram visualization
plugin for xmms media-plugins/xmms-dspectralDual spectral analyzer
visualization plugin for xmms media-plugins/xmms-gdancerDancing
character plugin for XMMS media-plugins/xmms-infinityA psychedelic
visualization plug-in for XMMS media-plugins/xmms-infopipePublish
information about currently playing song in xmms to a temp file
media-plugins/xmms-irisXMMS OpenGL visualization plugin
media-plugins/xmms-jessJESS Visualization Plugin for XMMS
media-plugins/xmms-madA XMMS plugin for MAD media-plugins/xmms-nasA xmms
plugin for NAS media-plugins/xmms-nebulusOpenGL/SDL visualization plugin
for XMMS media-plugins/xmms-shellsimple utility to control XMMS
externally media-plugins/xmms-shnThis input plugin allows xmms to play
.shn compressed (lossless) files media-plugins/xmms-sidC64 SID plugin
for XMMS media-plugins/xmms-status-pluginProvides a docklet for the
GNOME Status applet and the KDE panel. media-plugins/xmms-volnormPlugin
for XMMS, music will be played at the same volume even if it is recorded
at a different volume level media-sound/alsa-driverAdvanced Linux Sound
Architecture kernel modules media-sound/alsa-utilsAdvanced Linux Sound
Architecture Utils (alsactl, alsamixer, etc.)
media-sound/alsamixerguiAlsaMixerGui - a FLTK based amixer Frontend
media-sound/aumixAumix volume/mixer control program.
media-sound/awesfxAWE Utilities - sfxload media-sound/cdparanoiaan
advanced CDDA reader with error correction media-sound/cdplayConsole CD
Player media-sound/esoundThe Enlightened Sound Daemon
media-sound/gripGTK+ based Audio CD Player/Ripper. media-sound/lameLAME
Ain't an Mp3 Encoder media-sound/madA high-quality MP3 decoder
media-sound/mp3infoAn MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor
media-sound/mpg123Real Time mp3 player media-sound/soxThe swiss army
knife of sound processing programs media-sound/timidity++A handy MIDI to
WAV converter with OSS and ALSA output support
media-sound/vorbis-toolstools for using the Ogg Vorbis sound file format
media-sound/xmmsX MultiMedia System media-video/ati-gatosATI drivers for
Xfree86 that support ATI video capabilities media-video/avifileLibrary
for AVI-Files media-video/ffmpegComplete solution to record, convert and
stream audio and video. Includes libavcodec. media-video/ks3switchGUI
for s3switch media-video/mjpegtoolsTools for MJPEG video
media-video/mpeg2vidcodecMPEG Library media-video/mplayerMedia Player
for Linux media-video/realplayerRealPlayer 8 is a streaming media player
media-video/smpeg-xmmsA MPEG Plugin for XMMS media-video/transcodevideo
stream processing tool media-video/vcdimagerGNU VCDimager
media-video/xanimXAnim media-video/xawtvTV application for the bttv
driver media-video/xine-uiSkinned front end for Xine movie player.
media-video/xmovieA Player for MPEG and Quicktime movies
media-video/zappingTV- and VBI- viewer for the Gnome environment
net-analyzer/etherealA commercial-quality network protocol analyzer
net-analyzer/iplogiplog is a TCP/IP traffic logger
net-analyzer/netselectUltrafast implementation of ping.
net-analyzer/nmaputility for network exploration or security auditing
net-analyzer/snortLibpcap-based packet sniffer/logger/lightweight IDS
net-analyzer/tcpdumpA Tool for network monitoring and data acquisition
net-analyzer/tracerouteUtility to trace the route of IP packets
net-analyzer/ucd-snmpSoftware for generating and retrieving SNMP data
net-analyzer/xtracerouteneat graphical traceroute displaying route on
the globe net-dialup/dialdDaemon that provides on demand IP links via
SLIP or PPP net-dialup/hsflinmodemhsflinmodem - Modem driver for
Connexant HSF chipset net-dialup/isdn4k-utilsISDN-4-Linux Utils
net-dialup/mgettyFax and Voice modem programs. net-dialup/mingettyA
compact getty program for virtual consoles only.
net-dialup/minicomSerial Communication Program
net-dialup/pppPoint-to-point protocol - patched for pppoe
net-dialup/pptpclientLinux client for PPTP net-dialup/pptpdLinux
Point-to-Point Tunnelling Protocol Server net-dialup/speedtouchGPL
Driver for the Alcatel Speedtouch USB under *nix net-dns/bindBIND -
Berkeley Internet Name Domain - Name Server net-dns/bind-toolsbind
tools: dig, nslookup, and host net-firewall/ipchains-firewallIP-Chains
Firewall Script  net-firewall/iptablesKernel 2.4 firewall, NAT and
packet mangling tools net-fs/autofsKernel based automounter
net-fs/nfs-utilsNFS client and server daemons net-fs/sambaSAMBA is a
suite of SMB and CIFS client/server programs for UNIX net-ftp/curlA
Client that groks URLs net-ftp/ftpStandard Linux FTP client with
optional SSL support net-ftp/gftpGnome based FTP Client net-ftp/lftpLFTP
is a sophisticated ftp/http client, file transfer program.
net-ftp/ncftpAn extremely configurable ftp client net-ftp/proftpdAn
advanced and very configurable FTP server net-im/gabberThe GNOME Jabber
Client net-im/gaimGTK Instant Messenger client net-im/gnomeicuGnome ICQ
Client net-im/gnomemeetingGnome NetMeeting client net-im/kopeteThe KDE
Instant Messenger net-im/licqICQ Client with v8 support net-irc/bitchxAn
IRC Client net-irc/irssiA modular textUI IRC client with IPv6 support.
net-irc/xchatX-Chat is a graphical IRC client for UNIX operating
systems. net-libs/adnsAdvanced, easy to use, asynchronous-capable DNS
client library and utilities net-libs/libfwbuilderA firewall GUI
(library functions) net-libs/libpcappcap-Library net-libs/libwwwA
general-purpose client side WEB API net-libs/lincA library to ease the
writing of networked applications net-libs/openh323Open Source
implementation of the ITU H.323 teleconferencing protocol
net-libs/soupSoup is a SOAP implementation net-mail/evolutionA GNOME
groupware application, a Microsoft Outlook workalike
net-mail/fetchmailFetchmail is a full-featured remote-mail retrieval and
forwarding utility net-mail/mailbaseMTA layout package net-mail/mailxThe
/bin/mail program, which is used to send mail via shell scripts.
net-mail/metamailMetamail (with Debian patches) - Generic MIME package
net-mail/mutta small but very powerful text-based mail client
net-mail/pineA tool for reading, sending and managing electronic
messages. net-mail/postfixA fast and secure drop-in replacement for
sendmail net-mail/procmailMail delivery agent/filter net-mail/qmailA
modern replacement for sendmail which uses maildirs
net-mail/sendmailWidely-used Mail Transport Agent (MTA).
net-mail/squirrelmailWebmail for nuts! net-mail/sylpheedA lightweight
email client and newsreader net-mail/sylpheed-clawsBleeding edge version
of Sylpheed net-misc/LinNeighborhoodLinNeighborhood is a easy to use
frontend to samba/NETBios. net-misc/cfengineAn agent/software robot and
a high level policy language for building expert systems to administrate
and configure large computer networks net-misc/d4xGTK based download
manager for X. net-misc/dhcpISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
net-misc/dhcp-agentdhcp-agent is a portable UNIX Dynamic Host
Configuration suite net-misc/dhcpcdA dhcp client only
net-misc/fmirrorFTP mirror utility net-misc/freeswanFreeS/WAN IPSec
Userspace Utilities with X.509 Patches net-misc/gnombaGnome Samba
Browser net-misc/gtmGTM - a transfer manager net-misc/hylafaxFax package
for class 1 and 2 fax modems. net-misc/iputilsNetwork monitoring tools
including ping and ping6 net-misc/ipx-utilsThe IPX Utilities
net-misc/lrzszcommunication package providing the X, Y, and ZMODEM file
transfer protocols net-misc/netkit-fingerdNetkit - fingerd
net-misc/netkit-talkNetkit - talkd net-misc/netkit-telnetdStandard Linux
telnet client and server net-misc/netkit-tftpthe tftp server included in
netkit net-misc/ntpNetwork Time Protocol suite/programs
net-misc/nutNetwork-UPS Tools net-misc/opensshPort of OpenBSD's free SSH
release net-misc/pumpThis is the DHCP/BOOTP client written by RedHat
net-misc/rdaterdate uses the NTP server of your choice to
syncronize/show the current time net-misc/rdesktopA Remote Desktop
Protocol Client net-misc/rdistRemote software distribution system
net-misc/rsyncFile transfer program to keep remote files into sync
net-misc/taylor-uucpTaylor UUCP net-misc/tightvncA great client/server
software package allowing remote network access to graphical desktops.
net-misc/urlviewextracts urls from text and will send them to another
app net-misc/wgetNetwork utility to retrieve files from the WWW
net-misc/ytalkMulti-user replacement for UNIX talk net-news/innThe
Internet News daemon, fully featured NNTP server
net-news/leafnodeleafnode - A USENET software package designed for small
sites net-news/panA newsreader for the Gnome2 desktop
net-news/slrns-lang Newsreader net-nds/openldapLDAP suite of application
and development tools net-nds/portmapNetkit - portmapper
net-nds/yp-toolsNIS Tools net-nds/ypbindMultithreaded NIS bind service
net-nds/ypservNIS SERVER net-print/cupsThe Common Unix Printing System
net-print/foomaticGenerates printer configurations automagically
net-print/xppX Printing Panel net-wireless/wireless-toolsA collection of
tools to configure wireless lan cards. net-www/apacheThe Apache Web
Server net-www/cvswebWWW interface to a CVS tree net-www/galeonA GNOME
Web browser based on gecko (mozilla's rendering engine)
net-www/htdigHTTP/HTML indexing and searching system net-www/linkslinks
is a fast lightweight text tand graphic web-browser net-www/lynxAn
excellent console-based web browser with ssl support net-www/mod_sslAn
SSL module for the Apache Web server net-www/mozillaThe Mozilla Web
Browser net-www/netscape-communicatorNetscape Communicator 4.79
net-www/netscape-flashMacromedia Shockwave Flash Player
net-www/netscape-navigatorNetscape Navigator 4.79
net-www/netscape-pluggerPlugger 4.0 streaming media plugin
net-www/operaOpera web browser. net-www/screemSCREEM (Site CReating and
Editing EnvironmenMent) is an integrated environment of the creation and
maintenance of websites and pages net-www/squidA caching web proxy, with
advanced features net-www/tomcatApache Servlet Engine sys-apps/aclXFS
dump/restore utilities sys-apps/acpidDaemon for Advanced Configuration
and Power Interface. sys-apps/anacronAnacron -- a periodic command
scheduler sys-apps/apmdAdvanced Power Management Daemon
sys-apps/atQueues jobs for later execution sys-apps/baselayoutBase
layout for Gentoo Linux filesystem (incl. initscripts and sysvinit)
sys-apps/bzip2A high-quality data compressor used extensively by Gentoo
Linux sys-apps/console-toolsConsole and font utilities
sys-apps/coreutilsStandard GNU file utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir,
ls...), text utilities (sort, tr, head, wc..), and shell utilities
(whoami, who,...) sys-apps/cpioA file archival tool which can also read
and write tar files sys-apps/cronbaseThe is the base for all cron
ebuilds. sys-apps/debianutilsA selection of tools from Debian
sys-apps/devfsdDaemon for the Linux Device Filesystem
sys-apps/diffutilsTools to make diffs and compare files
sys-apps/e2fsprogsStandard EXT2 and EXT3 filesystem utilities
sys-apps/edYour basic line editor sys-apps/ejectA command to eject a
disc from the CD-ROM drive sys-apps/fbsetA utility to set the
framebuffer videomode sys-apps/fileProgram to identify a file's format
by scanning binary data for patterns sys-apps/fileutilsStandard GNU file
utilities (chmod, cp, dd, dir, ls, etc) sys-apps/gawkGNU awk
pattern-matching language sys-apps/grepGNU regular expression matcher
sys-apps/groffText formatter used for man pages sys-apps/grubGNU GRUB
boot loader sys-apps/gzipStandard GNU compressor sys-apps/hdparmUtility
to change hard drive performance parameters sys-apps/help2manGNU utility
to convert program --help output to a man page sys-apps/hotplugUSB and
PCI hotplug scripts sys-apps/ifplugdBrings up/down ethernet ports
automatically with cable detection sys-apps/iprouteKernel 2.4 routing
and traffic control utilities sys-apps/irda-utilsIrDA Utilities, tools
for IrDA communication sys-apps/isapnptoolsTools for configuring ISA PnP
devices sys-apps/jfsutilsIBM's Journaling Filesystem (JFS) Utilities
sys-apps/kbdKeyboard and console utilities sys-apps/lessExcellent text
file viewer sys-apps/liloStandard Linux boot loader
sys-apps/lm_sensorsHardware Sensors Monitoring by lm_sensors
sys-apps/lsofLists open files for running Unix processes
sys-apps/lvm-userUser-land utilities for LVM (Logical Volume Manager)
software sys-apps/manStandard commands to read man pages
sys-apps/man-pagesA somewhat comprehensive collection of Linux man pages
sys-apps/miscfilesMiscellaneous files sys-apps/mkisofsPremastering
program for creating iso9660 volumes sys-apps/modutilsStandard kernel
module utilities sys-apps/net-toolsstandard Linux network tools
sys-apps/netkit-baseStandard linux net thingees -- inetd, ping
sys-apps/pam-loginBased on the sources from util-linux, with added pam
and shadow features sys-apps/pciutilsVarious utilities dealing with the
PCI bus sys-apps/pcmcia-csPCMCIA tools for Linux sys-apps/portagePortage
ports system sys-apps/procpsStandard informational utilities and
process-handling tools -ps top tload snice vmstat free w watch uptime
pmap skill pkill kill pgrep sysctl sys-apps/psmiscA set of tools that
use the proc filesystem sys-apps/quotaLinux quota tools
sys-apps/raidtoolsLinux RAID 0/1/4/5 utilities
sys-apps/reiserfsprogsReiserfs Utilities sys-apps/s3switchS3 video
chipset output selection utility sys-apps/sedSuper-useful stream editor
sys-apps/setserialConfigure your serial ports with it
sys-apps/sh-utilsYour standard GNU shell utilities
sys-apps/shadowUtilities to deal with user accounts
sys-apps/sharutilsTools to deal with shar archives
sys-apps/slocateSecure locate provides a secure way to index and quickly
search for files on your system (drop-in replacement for 'locate')
sys-apps/syslinuxSysLinux, IsoLinux and PXELinux bootloader
sys-apps/tarUse this to try make tarballs :) sys-apps/tcp-wrappersTCP
Wrappers sys-apps/texinfoThe GNU info program and utilities
sys-apps/textutilsStandard GNU text utilities sys-apps/timeA command
that displays info about resources used by a program
sys-apps/usbutilsUSB enumeration utilities
sys-apps/usermode-utilitiesTools for use with Usermode Linux virtual
machines sys-apps/utempterApp that allows non-privileged apps to write
utmp (login) info, which needs root access sys-apps/util-linuxVarious
useful Linux utilities sys-apps/vcronThe Vixie cron daemon
sys-apps/whichPrints out location of specified executables that are in
your path sys-apps/xfsprogsxfs filesystem utilities
sys-apps/xinetdXinetd is a powerful replacement for inetd, with advanced
features sys-devel/autoconfUsed to create autoconfiguration files
sys-devel/automakeUsed to generate Makefile.in from Makefile.am
sys-devel/bcHandy console-based calculator utility
sys-devel/bin86Assembler and loader used to create kernel bootsector
sys-devel/binutilsTools necessary to build programs sys-devel/bisonA
yacc-compatible parser generator sys-devel/flexGNU lexical analyser
generator sys-devel/gccThe GNU Compiler Collection. Includes C/C++ and
java compilers sys-devel/gcc-configUtility to change the gcc compiler
being used. sys-devel/gdbGNU debugger sys-devel/gettextGNU locale
utilities sys-devel/ld.soLinux dynamic loader & linker
sys-devel/libperlLarry Wall's Practical Extraction and Reporting
Language sys-devel/libtoolA shared library tool for developers
sys-devel/m4GNU macro processor sys-devel/makeStandard tool to compile
source trees sys-devel/patchUtility to apply diffs to files
sys-devel/pmakeBSD build tool to create programs in parallel
sys-kernel/gentoo-sourcesFull sources for the Gentoo Kernel.
sys-kernel/linux-headersFull sources for the Gentoo Linux kernel
sys-libs/cracklibPassword Checking Library sys-libs/dbBerkeley DB
sys-libs/gdbmStandard GNU database libraries included for compatibility
with Perl sys-libs/glibcGNU libc6 (also called glibc2) C library
sys-libs/gpmConsole-based mouse driver sys-libs/lib-compatCompatibility
C++ and libc5 and libc6 libraries for programs new and old
sys-libs/libtermcap-compatCompatibility package for old termcap-based
programs sys-libs/ncursesLinux console display library
sys-libs/pamPluggable Authentication Modules sys-libs/pwdbPassword
database sys-libs/readlineAnother cute console display library
sys-libs/slangConsole display library used by most text viewer
sys-libs/zlibStandard (de)compression library
x11-base/opengl-updateUtility to change the OpenGL interface being used.
x11-base/xfreeXfree86: famous and free X server x11-libs/gtk+Gimp
ToolKit +  x11-libs/gtkmmC++ interface for GTK+2 x11-libs/lesstifAn
OSF/Motif(R) clone x11-libs/openmotifOpen Motif x11-libs/pangoText
rendering and Layout library x11-libs/qtQT version ${PV} x11-libs/vteXft
powered terminal widget x11-libs/wxGTKGTK+ version of wxWindows, a
cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit. x11-misc/epplet-baseBase files for
Enlightenment epplets and some epplets x11-misc/gpasmanGpasman: GTK
Password manager x11-misc/metacity-setupa setup program for metacity
x11-misc/ttmkfdirA utility to create a fonts.scale file from a set of
TrueType fonts x11-misc/xloadimageXloadimage is a utility which will
view many different types of images under X11 x11-misc/xscreensavera
modular screensaver for X11 x11-misc/xtoolwaitXtoolwait notably
decreases the startup time of an X session x11-plugins/wmnetWMnet is a
dock.app network monitor x11-terms/rxvtrxvt -- nice small x11 terminal
x11-themes/gaim-smileysSnapshot of Available Gaim Smiley Themes
x11-themes/gtk-engines-geramikGTK-2 theme engine to make GTK look like
KDE x11-themes/gtk-theme-switchApplication for easy change of GTK-Themes
x11-themes/ikonsiKons iconset for KDE 2.x
x11-themes/mosfet-liquid-widgetsMosfet's High-Permormance Liquid Widgets
and Style for KDE 3.1.x x11-themes/mplayer-skinsCollection of mplayer
themes x11-themes/xmms-themesCollection of XMMS themes
x11-wm/WindowMakerThe fast and light GNUstep window manager
x11-wm/blackboxA small, fast, full-featured window manager for X
x11-wm/enlightenmentEnlightenment Window Manager x11-wm/fluxboxWindow
manager based on Blackbox -- has tabs. x11-wm/icewmIce Window Manager
x11-wm/metacitySmall gtk2 WindowManager x11-wm/openbox Openbox is a
window manager with an enhanced Blackbox style-engine that supports the
KDE and GNOME2 desktop environments and their applications. It provides
a familiar environment to Blackbox users with added customizability.
x11-wm/sawfishExtensible window manager using a Lisp-based scripting
language x11-wm/selectwmwindow manager selector tool x11-wm/xfceXFce is
a lightweight desktop environment for various UNIX systems.
Our 2nd CD: http://www.cdbaby.com/naomisfancy
Naomi's Fancy performances: http://naomisfancy.virtualave.net/schedule.html

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