On 10:02 Tue 01 Mar     , Christopher Fisk wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Bill Roberts wrote:
> >When I'm logged on as a user, and I try to open gvim or firefox by
> >su'ing or sudo'ing as root, I get the following error.
> >
> >E233: cannot open display
> This is an X security thing.  Instead of launching Firefox from a su'd 
> session, why not install sudo and run sudo firefox?
I've tried it with sudo, and get the same error.
> The other option is to look into xhosts and figure out how to set the 
> magic key.
I've also stayed away from xhosts for security reasons. Is there any
secure way of using it?

Bill Roberts
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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