On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 03:25:40AM -0500, A. Khattri wrote
> rOn Sun, 27 Feb 2005, Walter Dnes wrote:
> >   With your extra instructions in .vimrc, vim works fine under screen.
> > It also works fine *WHEN SCREEN IS NOT RUNNING ON MY MACHINE*.  Note
> > carefully exactly what I said.  However, if I am running screen in tty2,
> > *EVEN AS ANOTHER USER*, and I am *NOT* running screen in tty1, then vim
> > has problems with the arrow keys (PC 101 keyboard) in tty1.  Basically,
> > the up and down arrows generate A's and B's, and don't move the cursor.
> > It's not just vim.  mc (Midnight Commander) has similar problems in tty1
> > when tty2 *IS* running screen, and tty1 *IS NOT* running screen.  mc
> > also works OK directly under screen or when screen is not running on my
> > machine.  Any ideas anybody?
> Incorrect terminal type?

  I don't think so.  Please note what I said.  This problem only shows
up in a tty that is *NOT* running screen, when *ANOTHER* tty *IS*
running screen.  Why should screen *RUNNING IN tty2* affect what happens
in *tty1* ???

An infinite number of monkeys pounding away on keyboards will
eventually produce a report showing that Windows is more secure,
and has a lower TCO, than linux.
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