So far none of those problems on my Dell 8600 laptop. The only problem I have 
so far is with a bug in kmilo.
And a problem trying to istall syncekonnector with some dependencie 
requirements missing.
Other than that I LOVE 3.4.


On Wednesday 02 March 2005 12:08 am, Jerry McBride wrote:
> Anyone want to compare notes on KDE 3.4.0-rc1?
> I've got it installed on a laptop and a desktop running on Gentoo. So far,
> only a couple of problems that I've experienced.
> 1- Unable to compile kdeedu on my laptop. Early on in the build, the
> compiler falls into an endless loop in the KIG directory... I haven't dug
> real deep into this one, maybe this weekend. The 3.4.0 beta compiled
> cleanly. No such problem on the desktop.
> 2- On the desktop, zero build problems, but I was unable to set the font to
> "linux" in the konsoles. After adding the fonts in /usr/kde/3.4/share/fonts
> via the control-center, and rebooting (yes, I actually rebooted the
> desktop) I can now set the desired font. Had no such problems with the
> laptop...
> 3- On the laptop, changes made to konsole settings were not being
> remembered between reboots. I ended up deleting ~/.kde3.4 fixed it. No such
> problems on the desktop.
> I found it interesting that at no time did both machines display the same
> errors or bugs. Odd? Yup. Both are current ~x86, gcc 3.3.5, etc...
> Anyone else?
> As for KDE as a desktop... Wow. It looks great, performs well and it makes
> me drool thinking what KDE 4.00 is going to look like.
> That said, Cheers all and good night.

Michael W. Holdeman

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