Let me get this correct.  You are trying to have the ability to have 2
people on the computer at the same time each with their own keyboard
mouse and monitor?

On Fri, 2005-03-04 at 21:51 -0800, Sami Samhuri wrote:
> * On Fri Mar-04-2005 at 07:38:51 PM -0800, James Colannino said:
> > Ash Varma wrote:
> > 
> > >It appears that on Mar 05 2005 at 09:00:51, A. Khattri wrote ... 
> > >
> > >>A KVM switch with long cables???
> > >>
> > >
> > >I think he is after something like a reverse KVM switch.. He wants 1
> > >machine with dual monitors, keyboards and mice..
> > >
> > 
> > That's sorta right ;)  I got some help from someone on another mailing 
> > list so I'll share what I've learned.  Basically I'm going to use one 
> > regular PS/2 keyboard/mouse and another USB keyboard/mouse which I was 
> > told X would detect automatically, and that if it doesn't, I can easily 
> > add them to xorg.conf.  I'm also going to have two monitors, one hooked 
> > up to one video card and one hooked up to another.  I'm then going to 
> > configure X for dual display (do I need Xinerama for this?) The only 
> > thing is that I'm not quite clear yet as to how I'm going to assign the 
> > USB keyboard/mouse to the secondary display only while keeping the PS/2 
> > stuff and primary monitor completely seperate.  I'll document this as I 
> > go along as long as someone's interested.
> There's at least one interested person...
Douglas James Dunn
cell: (724) 316-8266
Indiana University of Pennsylvania 

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