I use AxCrypt for my USB FOB on windows. Just double-click a file, enter a
passphrase (which I make fairly long) and the file decrypts temporarily
while open. Dunno if there is a version for linux or not.

 - Alex

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Cowie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2005 9:58 PM
To: gentoo-user
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] [OT] Securing files in a USB stick

On Thu, 2005-03-03 at 17:54 +0100, Jose Gonzalez Gomez wrote:
> > > I would like to put some sensitive information in my USB stick, so 
> > > I can take it with me (ssh private keys,

I had the same issue. I travel a *lot*, and so sooner or later a  hard drive
will die, or a laptop will get stolen, or...

So I carry (wear around my neck) a USB key. Whenever I've done more than a
few lines of work on something, I just simple copy it onto the usbkey
- a draft document, some source code - no big deal. 

But corporate documents, my archive of presentations, my web site code and
source code-in-progress, taken together, that certainly needs to be

> > Use GPG and encrypt the files.

So a few months ago, I wrote something to make tarballs of important
hierarchies in my home directory and then sign/encrypt them, and then push
them to { usbkey | remote server }. I just use standard GPG encryption with
myself as the recipient.

That, of course, implies I have my private key to decrypt those tarballs...

> I've been reading a bit about GPG (I haven't used it before) and it 
> seems ... only difference between them seem to be that GPG trust is 
> based on a decentralized web of trust

[ remember that trust is irrelevant if you are using asymmetric encryption
when "sending" something to yourself - you by definition have the private
half of the your own key pair. (In GPG terms, that's "ultimate trust") ]

> I guess in this case I should include the private key as a unencrypted 
> file in my USB stick and protect it with a good password, as it will 
> be used whenever I need to decrypt any file. Am I right?

Even more important than all the documents and what-not are my ssh keys and
pgp keys + trustdb. Naturally, if I'm storing those against the possibility
of loosing my machine (naturally causes or otherwise), using asymmetric
encryption is no good because I wouldn't have the private key available to
recover the data!

So, as suggested elsewhere in this thread, I store the private crypto
information in a separate tarball which I encrypt using gpg's symmetric


Naturally, a script to do all this is a natural idea. Well, I wrote one, and
it got out of hand. :) You're welcome to use it. It's called "geode".


[You'll need to customize it a bit, as it's obviously specific to my paths
and usage cases]

If nothing else it's a good example of how to use some of the more obscure
gpg options.

It's also a good example of how to use zenity (a little command line
front-end for creating GTK dialog boxes). I used it to ask for the pass
phrases and to pop up a progress bar of how far it has worked through the
.tar.bz2 creation. 


Andrew Frederick Cowie
Managing Director

A management consultancy in the IT Operations space. We are available
worldwide and specialize in technology strategy, changes & upgrades,
enterprise architecture, and performance improvement for mission critical
systems & the people who run them.

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