On Mon, 7 Mar 2005 22:07:06 +1300 (NZDT), Nick Rout wrote:

> well for a start its way OT. it is not related to gentoo, it is a
> generic mailserver question, better suited to comp.mail.imap, if you can
> stomach usenet these days LOL.

It may be somewhat OT, but not way OT, it is on a Gentoo server after all.

> secondly you give us no idea of how many users? how many mailboxes?

About half a dozen.

> how
> many folders?

None, this is currently a POP3 system. Adding IMAP and folders is one of
the reasons for wanting to switch.

> how much data?

Around 600MB.

> do you have all the user passwords?


> does it
> have to be done on a live system with minimal disruption to users? or do
> you have all the time in the world to play?

I can play on a test setup, but the transition has to be with minimal

> Have you tried any of the
> solutions you have found via google on a small set of data?

Not yet. This is something I had been considering when the thread came up.
It seemed a good opportunity to find out if someone else had already made
a similar transition instead of having to do it all again.

> The chapter that is available online of O'Reilly's "Managing IMAP"
> (google it:-) discusses in some depths moving a reasonable sized
> installation from mbox to cyrus (IIRC), it may give you some
> inspiration.

That's better, a response with some useful information, thank you :)

Neil Bothwick

And if you say "No", I shall be forced to shoot you.

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