No, I had not installed gnome-base/gnome or gnome-base/gnome-light
yet on my system. I am confident that it would have all worked first
time if I had done so.

I generally use fvwm as something reasonably lean and unobtrusive,
but had also installed KDE to see what the more full blown GUI
environments looked like. (for really frugal use of display area,
plan 9 is the way to go - no window decorations at all. I hate it
when you only a tiny screen on a palmtop and half of the real-estate
if used up with window decorations and menu bars...)

One thing I did like in the SuSE distro which I havn't worked out
how to reproduce on gentoo yet is the way the KDM login prompter
includes a 'Session Type' menu of window manager options. It made
it nice and easy to experiment with different environments.

Anyway, yes, it does seem to work when you know what packages
to pull in. It is just a little worrying that it seems that
dependencies can sometimes be overlooked.


On Mon, Mar 28, 2005 at 02:24:46PM -0500, James Hiscock wrote:
> > Ah, so it was supposed to have pulled it in...
> ...not necessarily: when I run "emerge -pvtDe grip", I don't see yelp
> in the output... but I'm not entirely sure why. Might be because of my
> USE flags, or something.
> I'm also curious if you've got gnome-base/gnome or
> gnome-base/gnome-light installed. If you do have either of those, then
> gnome-extra/yelp should've been pulled in. I've got gnome-base/gnome
> installed here...
> I have no idea why I'm getting different results, but I don't really
> care, either: it works for me, and it appears to work for you, so it's
> all good... (but I _am_ starting to wonder if we've just uncovered a
> sneaky/annoying/hard to reproduce bug here... ;)
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