On Sun, 3 Apr 2005 21:06:31 -0700
Robert Persson wrote:

> It is my understanding - and please tell me if I'm wrong - that the "r" 
> suffixes on the ends of ebuild versions represent fixes to the ebuild, rather 
> than to the package itself.  If that is so, would that mean that 
> category/thing-x.y.z-r2 won't contain anything important (such as security 
> fixes) that isn't already in version x.y.z-r1?
> In that case, is there a way to avoid these petty upgrades when I "emerge -u 
> world"?

you might want to try pye (pick your ebuild)

gives you a list of what world will do and allows you to choose which
ones you want.

someone else will need to point out where to find it sorry as i cannot
find the link.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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