Richard Fish wrote:

Why do I get the feeling that the following sequence occurs far too often? At least steps 1-6...

1. GUI designer/programmer (GD) implements functional GUI for most program features. Has some hidden, difficult to discover, but highly
useful features.

requires multiple reading user manual or tutorial before first usage but
even that doesn't help because not all of the information the user requires is in the manual. additional confusion arises because the user interface has absolutely nothing to do the workflow.

2. Usability expert (UE) tries to help GD fix interface so new users don't get confused. Firmly believes this can be done without sacrificing any cool features.

3. GD hears UE tell him he did everything wrong.

3a GD runs to manager and cries (there is no crying in software). manager tells UE to go fuck him/her self and leave the GD alone.

strike 4

5. Experienced user gets program, becomes irritated that the program thinks it is smarter than he/she is.

5a. ordinary human gets program, becomes irritated with program because nothing is understandable even with the manual, suffers with it because their boss told them to use it.

6. Experienced user grabs Gentoo installation CD and starts

6a. ordinary human has no options.


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