
dunno if this is distribution specific, would
appreciate advice, it is on a redhat 9 machine, that
has to be replaced with gentoo. i had to come here
because i didn't get help else where.

 What I don't understand is the following.

a) why does it show that the there is netbois ports
b) why mysql is shown as unauthorised.
c) why is it showiing tftp as filtered. why it is open
in the first place

I have attached the output of  grep disable
/etc/xinetd.d/*  below.

I would appreciate some help on this.

with regards
john doe

69/tcp    filtered tftp
109/tcp   open     pop2         UW POP2 server
110/tcp   open     pop3         UW Imap pop3 server
135/tcp   filtered msrpc
137/tcp   filtered netbios-ns
138/tcp   filtered netbios-dgm
139/tcp   filtered netbios-ssn
143/tcp   open     imap         UW imapd 2001.315rh
445/tcp   filtered microsoft-ds
993/tcp   open     ssl/imap     UW imapd 2001.315rh
995/tcp   open     ssl/pop3     UW Imap pop3 server
3306/tcp  open     mysql        MySQL (unauthorized)
10000/tcp open     http         Webmin httpd

./amanda:       disable                 = yes
./amandaidx:    disable                 = yes
./amidxtape:    disable                 = yes
./chargen:      disable         = yes
./chargen-udp:  disable = yes
./comsat:       disable                 = yes
./daytime:      disable         = yes
./daytime-udp:  disable         = yes
./dbskkd-cdb:   disable = yes
./echo: disable         = yes
./echo-udp:     disable         = yes
./eklogin:      disable         = yes
./finger:       disable         = yes
./gssftp:       disable         = yes
./imap: disable = no
./imaps:        disable = no
./ipop2:        disable = no
./ipop3:        disable = no
./klogin:       disable         = yes
./krb5-telnet:  disable         = yes
./kshell:       disable         = yes
./ntalk:        disable                 = yes
./pop3s:        disable = no
./rexec:        disable                 = yes
./rlogin:       disable                 = yes
./rsh:  disable                 = yes
./rsync:        disable = yes
./servers:      disable         = yes
./services:     disable         = yes
./swat: disable         = yes
./talk: disable                 = yes
./telnet:       disable         = yes
./tftp: disable                 = yes
./time: disable         = yes
./time-udp:     disable         = yes

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