On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 15:43 -0700, death rince wrote:
> hi,

> a) why does it show that the there is netbois ports
> b) why mysql is shown as unauthorised.
> c) why is it showiing tftp as filtered. why it is open
> in the first place
> I have attached the output of  grep disable
> /etc/xinetd.d/*  below.
> I would appreciate some help on this.
> with regards
> john doe
> ------------------------
> 69/tcp    filtered tftp
> 109/tcp   open     pop2         UW POP2 server
> 2001.63rh
> 110/tcp   open     pop3         UW Imap pop3 server
> 2001.78rh
> 135/tcp   filtered msrpc
> 137/tcp   filtered netbios-ns
> 138/tcp   filtered netbios-dgm
> 139/tcp   filtered netbios-ssn
> 143/tcp   open     imap         UW imapd 2001.315rh
> 445/tcp   filtered microsoft-ds
> 993/tcp   open     ssl/imap     UW imapd 2001.315rh
> 995/tcp   open     ssl/pop3     UW Imap pop3 server
> 2001.78rh
> 3306/tcp  open     mysql        MySQL (unauthorized)
> 10000/tcp open     http         Webmin httpd

On the machine scanning the simplest thing to do is run "netstat -lpn"
which will list all listening ports and what program has them open. That
should at least point you in the direction of whats what.

Alex, homepage: http://www.bennee.com/~alex/
It is the wise bird who builds his nest in a tree.

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