Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 12:38:24 +0100 Stroller
| On Apr 18, 2005, at 8:50 am, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
| > Note: this is *entirely* separate from the crap that shows up
| > sometimes on The store isn't run, owned or
| > operated by
| > the Gentoo Foundation -- it's a private thing that's only around | > because
| > the owner has Gentoo held by the nuts on a few legal issues.
| | I thought there was an amicable agreement at the time of drobbin's | departure that he should be able to run a store indefinitely to | capitalise on his investment of time in developing Gentoo. Is that not
| the case?

Heh, that's one way of spinning it.

So the store is owned by drobbins, and if I buy from the store I'll donate to him? If this is the case, then that's not exactly the way I thougt it to be, but it's okay for me.

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