On Thu, Apr 21, 2005 at 10:34:45PM +0100, Digby Tarvin wrote:
> So.. what is the secret to stopying vim from displaying text in
> in invisible colours? And how can I tell it to stop messing
> with the colours at all...
> I can't find anything in the man page, '-C' doesn't inhibit
> colourisation, nor does setting my TERM type to 'ansi' and don't
> really want to have to resort to reading extensive documentation on an
> application I wouldn't need if I had vi (there is still too much I have
> to read up on for things that I actually do want to know about...)

Try reading the vim manual sometimes q=
[ESC] :help [RETURN]

Just put "syntax off" into your ~/.vimrc
or, if you want to make it site-wide, change the line from "syntax
on" to "syntax off" in /etc/vim/vimrc

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AlexMc: Physics? Physics is EZ..
M: The Langrangian is self evident.
AlexMc: Well... not that easy.
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