Not so much hosed. My guess is that he has the ADSL modem and runs
pppoe. I've heard of times when it routes through ppp0 instead of
eth* before. 

which also means that I made another typo on my last response. But
since Askar is supposed to ignore it anyway...


On Mon, Apr 25, 2005 at 02:03:07PM -0400, Dave Nebinger wrote:
> > > After that, try connectin to the internet with the Windows box again.
> > I did all things you wrote. But still fails to connect the internet
> > from Windows box
> > 
> > > After it failed, either
> > >   # dmesg
> > > or
> > >   # tail -n 60 /var/log/kernel/current
> > > And show us the output.
> > #tail -n 60 /var/log/kernel/current had error 'tail: cannot open
> > `/var/log/kernel/current' for reading: No such file or directory'.
> > #dmesg result (sorry - it is very long) is:
> > 0.250 DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=127 ID=2056 DF
> > PROTO=TCP SPT=3669 DPT=80 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
> > Dropped forwarded packets:IN=eth0 OUT=ppp0 SRC=
> > DST= LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=127 ID=2057 DF
> > PROTO=TCP SPT=3669 DPT=80 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
> Well there's the indication of your problem.  Apparently your system thinks
> that the packets coming in from eth0 need to go to ppp0 rather than eth1.
> Sounds like your routing tables are kinda hosed up.
> What's the output of "route -v"?
> -- 
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Tell me a story.
I like stories.  I read them a lot.  I'm just a little girl, you know.  
I don't ever plan to grow up either.  You hear?  Never grow up!  You 
lose too much...
I had a parakeet once, named Violet.  She was the only one left... We 
had four.  Peter Pan and Lily went to live with some friends, so there 
were two.  And then Pip died.  I loved Pip... he might have been my 
favorite.  So we buried him in the backyard, and then there was 
Then there was Harpo.  He wanted to eat Violet. 
So she went to live in my third grade classroom... and stayed there to
the end of her days.  I went to visit Violet after I left the third 
grade occasionally, but then, well, I guess Harpo took her place, when
he stopped biting so much and started being nice.
Tell me a story.  I like stories.
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