well met,

   I am new to gentoo and Linux. about a year or so. nothing heavy yet.

I got through my stage 1 install yesterday pretty good. I can boot into
gentoo now, but it does not detect my nic anymore. It worked great on
the livecd and i had it working on my stage 2 install last week. ( i had
to re-compile everything because i used genkernel and it hosed my
/dev/hda3 )

I am using 2.6.11-r8 on a p4 1.8ghz Intel board. I have two nics.
onboard e100 - intel
pci e100 - intel

I do  modprobe e100 and it fails - FATAL module not found.
I have my config from my kernel if anyone wants to see it.
I am just not sure where to start to get my nic loaded.

- tj

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