On Fri, 13 May 2005, tj wrote:

> Sorry for the newb post here.
> I figured out what I screwed up. I have an e100 and I didn't get it into
> my kernel.
> Do i have to recompile? or? is there are way around it.
> - tj


Just a small side-note: On this list the bottom-post is the accepted

You have to recompile, but don't be affraid. It won't recompile the
already compiled parts.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] make modules_install

will do it. The make will decide what to compile, and what not.
You would need make modules_install only if compile e100 as a module.

If you compile it into kernel, than don't need for make modules_install,
but need to copy the new bzImage to /boot/. I'm not sure whether needed, but
if you want absolute safety, re-run your lilo or grub.

Tamas Sarga                             Sárga Tamás
Make the world confused!                Zavard össze a világot!
Smile on monday morning!                Mosolyogj hétfő reggel!

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