Thanks for the excellent advice, Jonathan. Yes, I figured I'd have to
move out of mbox sooner or later. I wonder if there are tools to convert
mbox files to maildir format - I would guess yes.


On Fri, 13 May 2005, Jonathan Nichols wrote:

I already have Postfix running and I happily read email on my server,
but I'd like to read my email on my IMAP/SSL cellphone client. I've seen
Courier, UW, and Cyrus, and perhaps there are others. Any
recommendations, for or against?

Currently I'm the only user, but I host about a dozen friend's websites,
and perhaps someday they too would like email, so I'd like to be able to
grow into that, but I don't feel I need a database to support a huge
number of clients. I support these virtual domains directly from

Any other things I should be thinking about, or aware of?

Thanks in advance,

Courier-IMAP is pretty easy to deal with. Cyrus can get.. uh.. out of hand, real easily. It's overkill for many situations. the guy that wrote courier is also very active on the courier-users mailing list too, which is a big plus.

uw-imap & the mbox format in general are outdated & sometimes dangerous, imo. back in the days where emails were nice & tiny, it worked a lot better..
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