man 5 ebuild and the ebuild docs for the naming conventions.   If you haven't 
already create a portage directotry overlay and set up make.conf to define it.  
This will be where you can create your own ebuilds and not mess with the tree.

> From: Calvin Spealman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/05/17 Tue PM 02:45:05 EDT
> To:
> Subject: [gentoo-user] ebuild digest is complaining about no PF
> I'm trying to create an updated ebuild for treeline-0.12.0, to take
> advantage of the new install scripts it uses. I'm having a bit of
> trouble generating a digest, however, with ebuild digest. It is
> complaining that part of the name or the version is missing, and then
> that PF is null or "", and it bails. I don't know how I could have
> caused this, because I didn't even touch PF and its generated
> automatically anyway, right? I've included my modified script below.
> # Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
> # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
> inherit eutils python
> DESCRIPTION="TreeLine is a structured information storage program."
> SRC_URI="${P}.tar.gz";
> SLOT="0"
> KEYWORDS="~x86 ~ppc"
> IUSE="spell"
> DEPEND="spell? ( || ( app-text/aspell app-text/ispell ) )
>       || ( dev-python/pyxml dev-libs/expat )
>       virtual/python dev-python/PyQt
>       >=x11-libs/qt-3.3.0-r1"
> S=${WORKDIR}/TreeLine
> src_compile() {
>       printf '#!/bin/sh\n\nexec python %s/ $*\n' \
>               /usr/lib/treeline > ${T}/treeline
> }
> src_install() {
>       dodir /usr/lib/treeline /usr/share/icons/treeline
> -p /usr
> }
> pkg_postinst() {
>       python_mod_optimize /usr/lib/treeline
> }
> pkg_postrm() {
>       python_mod_cleanup /usr/lib/treeline
> }
> -- 
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